Alexander Pearlman, a senior from New York City, is UR’s new SA president. A political science major, Alex is an advocate of public service and is motivated to better the greater good of society.”I’ve always been interested in the sociology of why people make the decisions they do,” Pearlman said. Pearlman continued, “our Political Science Department specializes in Rational Choice Theory which tries to explain why political actors do certain things. My classes have motivated me to think critically about our political system, politicians and all the people who govern our country.” Alex is also a member of Hillel, the Political Science Undergraduate Council, the National Society for Collegiate Scholars, he’s the activities chairperson of the Alpha Delta Phi Fraternity and was previously a goalie for the men’s club soccer team. In addition to his involvement on campus, Alex is the recipient of the Andrew Fried Prize, the NACA East Coast Undergraduate Scholarship for student leaders, the Rush Rhees Scholarship and was a finalist for the Truman Scholarship.

What do you plan to do after you graduate?Right now, I am in the middle of studying for the Law School Admission Test (LSAT) and I plan on applying to law school. I hope to take one or two years off to either work or to do Teach for America. After two years, I hope to start law school and spend four years working toward a joint J.D. with a Masters in Public Policy. What is your dream job?My dream job is to be the Chief of Staff to the President of the United States. I have a passion for the internal work necessary to govern. What’s your guilty pleasure? A pint of Ben and Jerry’s ice cream, chocolate chip cookie dough or anything with peanut butter cups.What’s the last good book you read?While driving between home and Rochester this summer I listened to “Team of Rivals: The Political Genius of Abraham Lincoln” by Doris Kearns Goodwin. It talks about how Lincoln’s cabinet was an assemblage of people who competed against him for the 1860 Republican nomination and ended up being his great supporters. It’s a mix of intrigue, history and political theory. It’s also the story of men who stepped up to serve our country at its time of need. What’s your favorite thing to do in Rochester?I love to take friends to Aladdin’s in Pittsford on the canal. I also like going to concerts at High Falls. Permutt can be reached at

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