Residents of the Delta Upsilon fraternity house notified Security that people were trying to break into their house at 4 a.m. on Oct. 24.According to UR Security Investigator Dan Lafferty, the suspects first tried to enter through a first floor window but failed. The suspects then pulled down an archway from the house and ripped a sign off the front porch, according to UR Security. They fled the area soon after. The suspects have not yet been identified, but they are believed to be undergraduates. Damages to the house are estimated at about $50, according to Lafferty. No police report has been filed yet, according to Security.Student injured by thrown bottle A student sitting on the first-floor balcony of the Kendrick house was injured when a bottle fell from one of the above balconies, a little after 2 a.m. on Oct. 22.The bottle hit the railing near where he was sitting and shattered, according to UR Security.The student was cut on his head and neck but didn’t need medical attention, according to Lafferty. Security investigators found that the bottle was thrown off the third floor balcony by a student. According to Lafferty, the suspect threw it because he was bored. He claimed he didn’t worry about causing damage because he hadn’t expected anyone to be below the balcony. Alcohol was a contributing factor in the incident, according to UR Security. The case has been referred to the Dean of Students’ office for further review, according to Lafferty.Trespasser in Theater arrestedMark Mayer, a Rochester resident not affiliated with UR, was arrested on Oct. 23. The suspect was found in the backstage area of the Eastman Theatre earlier in the evening without a legitimate reason for being there and was told to leave, according to Lafferty. About two and a half hours later he returned to the same area. This time, however, he refused to leave and became aggressive with the staff, according to Security. The Rochester Police Department was called and the suspect was removed from the area and arrested without further incident. The suspect has been charged with trespassing and may also be charged with harassment, according to Security. Theta Chi founding fathers’ photos stolen A composite and a set of photograph of Theta Chi’s founding fathers was stolen from the first floor of their house between Saturday night and Sunday at noon, according to Security.The house may have been unsecured at the time of the incident. The value of the stolen items is estimated at $300, according to Lafferty. Information provided by UR Security.Levesque can be reached at

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