Sunday nights have been forever altered. My Sundays consisted of me planning my entire day around that precious half hour when time stood still. For that half hour, four women completely held my attention. For six years they have made us laugh, cry and believe that we, too, had the skill to run around Manhattan in stiletto heels. I can only be talking about the show that has revolutionized television, the infamous “Sex and the City.”Now, some people may look at it as filth – my mother is one of them, and always asks me what a nice girl like Sarah Jessica Parker is doing on that show – unrealistic and, to my guy friends that bust into my suite at 8:25 every Sunday, simply the time filler before “Curb Your Enthusiasm.”Though some have said that that little show about the family of mafiosos and the show about the family that takes care of dead people have made HBO what it is today, they must admit that “Sex” has also done its fair share.It made us believe that single women in their thirties are not circus freaks, though sometimes Carrie did dress like one – does anyone recall the tie-dye Chanel fiasco of season three? – and that instead we can give them the prestigious label of choosy. I know that is the mantra I repeat to myself on Friday nights when I sit on my couch and watch TGIF and consume an entire bag of Doritos. This was the first show to truly show the opinions of women when it comes to the sex – uhh, I mean the act of lovemaking. We can be funny, we can be gross and we can have so much fun being extremely critical. I know that many men don’t like the show, and perhaps it is because – except for the token few Bigs, Aidans, Steves and the other guys that stuck around for more then a season – most of the men on the show are portrayed in a less than positive light. They are usually great for the first fifteen minutes of the show, and then either ask to be urinated on after you know, or talk abusively during you also know or there is simply some kind of mechanical problem that occurs during, well, you know.The series is shown through the eyes of four women, which does give it a bit of an advantage in appealing to women more then men, but there is a lot of female nudity, which I have heard that guys can find pleasing. The four women’s very strong characters, though appealing on their own, complement each other perfectly when together. I believe that most women can really relate to some aspect of each character. The intelligence and cynicism of Miranda, the girliness and sensitivity of Charlotte, the humor and spunk of Carrie and of course the ridiculously-sized libido of Samantha – Freud would have had a field day with her. These characters have made us ask the question – are all men who are single and over the age of thirty freaks? Does Darwinism occur in today’s society? And is it possible for one to spend one’s entire salary on clothes and shoes, yet still have money to go out for every meal? I sure hope so, because I am thinking the whole paying taxes thing is over-rated. So as I sit here at my laptop staring out my window at Sue B., sipping my cosmopolitan – okay, eating gummy worms – I wonder, is this the end of an era? Well, I would just like to personally thank the writers and everyone who contributed to “Sex and the City” for giving me something to watch on Sunday nights after I grew out of the Wonderful World of Disney. It was an abrupt transition, but a needed one. So thank you for giving women a voice in the world of sex, the ingenius fashion sense of Patricia Field, for teaching us to never settle for anything less then butterflies and most importantly for bringing Smith in to our lives. I could deal with a spinoff called “Smith and the Sauna.”Lepore can be reached at

Pit introduces new coffee machine

Frequent visitors to Wilson Commons’ Pit might have noticed a new addition: a self-service coffee machine.

The World is in Shambles and Chat Pile is the soundtrack

Just when I thought that “Knocked Loose” would be the best album I’d hear this year, Chat Pile swooped in with their sophomore record, “Cool World.”


I fear I may have started this job off on the wrong foot. Right off the bat, when I stumbled into the reception of URMC, I committed the critical silly of asking where to go.