For Immediate ReleaseContact: Norah PeckPhone: (201) 845-8977Email: February 22, 20041:54 PM Edwards Campaign Cooks Up Bag Lunch Fund-Raiser Yesterday, Nick Baldick, Campaign Manager for Senator John Edwards, announced a new fund raising initiative that encourages Edwards supporters to pack brown bag lunches on Tuesday, February 24, 2004 . Instead of eating out Tuesday afternoon, supporters will be invited to make a “lunch-sized contribution” to the Edwards for President campaign.

Contributions can be made by logging on to the campaign website at

UR Baseball beats Hamilton and RIT

Yellowjackets baseball beat Hamilton College on Tuesday and RIT on Friday to the scores of 11–4 and 7–4, respectively.

Dinner for Peace was an unconventional way of protesting for Palestine

The dinner showcased aspects of Palestinian culture. It was a unique way of protesting against the genocide, against the Israeli occupation, against the university’s involvement with the genocide.

Israeli-Palestinian conflict reporting disclosures

The Campus Times is a club student newspaper with a small reporting staff at a small, private University. We are…