It’s tradition. Every UR student should at one point or another, paint the rock outside the Susan B. Anthony Residence Halls. The rock has played a significant part in UR history since 1967 when it was chosen to be placed outside Sue B., after having been dug up when the Rush Rhees Library was enlarged.During construction, builders planned to use dynamite to break the rock into pieces. However, when Robert Metzdorf, a member of the Trustees’ Council of Alumni Advisors, saw the rock, he suggested that it should be removed and saved for posterity. In fact, the rock was referred by some as “Mount Metzdorf.”The decision to put the rock outside Sue B. was made either by UR President Allen Wallis or his assistant Kenneth Wood, reasoning that it would be fairly close to the library excavation.”Maybe they put it in front of SBA thinking that the students will figure out something,” Vice President and University Dean of Students Paul Burgett said.After the construction workers placed the rock in front of Sue B., UR hired geologists to examine the rock and uncover its history.It contains history that began 400 million years ago when this area was covered by the warm and shallow Silurian sea and ended 10,000 years ago at the end of ice age here. It is a part of the Lockport dynamite, an extensive rock unit that was formed during that time.”The rock, which looks like a block carved from a piece of graying swiss cheese, was found buried in the sands that make up the ridge that extends from the river campus east to Cobbs Hill,” Lawrence Lundgren, professor of geology, said in a university report.Since its original placing outside the residence hall, it has been moved once when there were renovations at Sue B. in 1986.

Community, carnivals, and campus culture: UR traditions

The University of Rochester hosts a wealth of playful school traditions that have shaped the undergraduate experience since its establishment in 1850.

From campus to craftsmanship: weaving chains and community in Rochester’s art scene

“I'm walking the fine line of learning to not capitalize off of something I enjoy to the point where I don't enjoy it anymore,” Cohen said. “I want this to remain something I love.”

YOU WON’T GO BEFORE YOU’RE SUPPOSED TO is the best album of the year, if not the decade.

While so many metal and rock bands have switched to a poppier sound as their careers have gone on, “Knocked Loose” has only doubled down on throat-shredding screams, neck-destroying breakdowns, and ominous riffs that leave you haunted as well as headbanging.