I admit the headline is a little misleading, I just wanted to grab your attention. Tracy Morgan will not be leaving Saturday Night Live, so don’t worry. In fact this year marks his sixth season as a SNL cast member, and there is no indication he will be leaving soon. However this Friday he will be leaving behind the hustle and bustle of New York City for the winter wonderland that is Rochester. Morgan is perhaps best remembered for his role as a schizophrenic mole man who kidnaps female hosts, such as Britney Spears. Born in Brooklyn and now a resident of the Riverdale section of the Bronx-Morgan draws his humor from his experiences as a black man in these environments. He has performed as a myriad of characters such as Bronx resident Dominican Lou, and Judge Judy’s bailiff Bert and Reggie Owens of “Wong and Owens: Ex Porn Stars.”It seems Tracy Morgan’s name is popping up more than ever before with a self-titled show on NBC and a character on the popular Comedy Central show Crank Yankers.Tracy will be performing this Friday at the Rochester Institute of Technology. The event is at 8 p.m. and will take place in the Clark gymnasium of the RIT campus. Tickets are $20 for the general public, and $10 for RIT students. To order call 475-2509. For more information visit cab.rit.edu. This event is part of RIT Homecoming 2004.Goldner can be reached at bgoldner@campustimes.org.

5 students banned from campus for Gaza solidarity encampment

UR has been banning community members from campus since November for on-campus protests, but the first bans for current students were issued this weekend.

Furries on UR campus?

A few months ago, as I did my daily walk to class through the tunnels to escape the February cold,…

Gaza solidarity encampment: Live updates

The Campus Times is live tracking the Gaza solidarity encampment on Wilson Quad and the administrative response to it. Read our updates here.