I find the speaker on hate a good option for this university, though I find certain specifics to be rather disappointing. First off, this school gets Maya Angelou, a renowned national poet who is recognized worldwide. Yet when this campus decides to get a speaker on hate, they decide to go to one of the most over-publicized pieces of rhetoric. His message was good. Hate is of course is an awful obsession that afflicts humanity. But when the message is lost in the logical inconsistency, it begs the question of whether or not this University is just posturing to the politcal correctness of the times. I went to the speakers website, and thought it may seem interesting that he is NOT in ANY way a freelance speaker. He is part of an organization called campuspeak.com. I’m positive that he means his message, but when a person speaking against one of the most heinous atrocities of mankind is part of an organization looking to cash in, I wonder whether or not this University is trying to actually convey a message, or just trying to check off it’s politcal correctness quota for the year.

UR Baseball beats Hamilton and RIT

Yellowjackets baseball beat Hamilton College on Tuesday and RIT on Friday to the scores of 11–4 and 7–4, respectively.

Zumba in medicine, the unexpected crossover

Each year at URMC, a new cohort of unsuspecting pediatrics residents get a crash course. “There are no mistakes in Zumba,” Gellin says.

Dinner for Peace was an unconventional way of protesting for Palestine

The dinner showcased aspects of Palestinian culture. It was a unique way of protesting against the genocide, against the Israeli occupation, against the university’s involvement with the genocide.