Signs for a new employee program have recently appeared in the Pit. They explain that students will now be able to ask managers to give employees “Wow” cards for excellent customer service or “Go Fish” cards for sub-par performances. The negative “Go Fish” cards are only adding to the already stressed relations between students and Dining Service employees.

Punishment-based systems, such as the “Go Fish” cards, can lead to many unintended consequences, including resentment of those who are enforcing the policy. Dining Service employees should be treated as adults and not be arbitrarily punished on the basis of student opinion. They deserve to be treated with respect. Forcing them to watch a video presentation on how to have a better attitude is surely not going to convince employees to change the way they behave.

The negative aspect of the program should be removed and the positive aspect expanded.

“Wow” cards can encourage a positive attitude among workers and hopefully improve relations with students. Students need to actively participate in the program and reward employees who do show excellent customer service skills. If utilized, the program can provide a needed improvement in student-employee relationships.

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