Students volunteer to make peanut butter and jelly sandwiches in Hirst Lounge for PB Jam Wednesday. The sandwiches were made for local food banks and charities and the ingredients were donated by Wegmans. 1,300 sandwiches were made Wednesday and the event will continue Thursday.

Bridging the Orgasm Gap with Professor Estrada

For those who aren’t aware, the orgasm gap is the rate of difference between the frequency of women’s orgasms compared to that of men’s orgasms during a sexual encounter, typically associated with heteronormative relationships.

The steep price of health and wellness

Instead of shaming others for not epitomizing stereotypical health and wellness, we must meet every individual where they are at.

Title IX Office unveils mini grants for student programming

The program will provide financial awards of $200 designated to fund programming related to sex and gender-based misconduct, boundary-setting, and healthy communication on campus.