I am ashamed to be in Rochester right now. Protests have raged on even as American and British troops fight in Iraq. People spout off how they are doing this BECAUSE they are Americans, and that they have read the First Amednment and know what they’re doing is legal. No one is arguing about whether they CAN protest, but if they SHOULD protest. US troops would die for the people who are protesting, essentially, against them. It’s time for people to stand up, be an American, and support the men and women that are fighting on our behalf.

Friends of Strong presents their annual Holiday Market

"Shop small, support local, it's the best thing you can do for holiday shopping right now," Ahmed said.

Hobbies and mediocrity: you don’t have to be good at everything

Writing became something I had to be good at in order to share.

ROCTalks and SJP talk on extremism in the face of genocide

"There is no reason to have any stability with somebody who does not have any problem contributing to a genocide in any way,” Hess said.