On Thursday, I experienced an unusual thing. Inevitably, everywhere I went, people were talking about the sudden passing of Fred Rogers. I guess we all wanted to believe that this childhood friend could never die.

Last year, I watched the President give Mr. Rogers the Medal of Freedom. It’s the highest honor that can be given to an American Civilian. In 1998, the Academy of Television Arts also honored Mr. Rogers with a Lifetime Achievement award. For someone who dedicated their life to the unglamorous world of public television and children broadcasting, I’m glad people began to realize the immense positive legacy that “Mr. Rogers Neighborhood” had on children before he died. He impacted the lives of millions of people, while never sacrificing his principles or approach.

A few years ago, Esquire published an excellent article about Mr. Rogers in an issue entitled “Heroes”. Fred Rogers was a hero, dedicating over 30 years of his life to the cause of reminding people that everyone is a special and important human being. If we all remember these lessons about love, then his legacy will not be forgotten.

Christopher HarringtonClass of 2003

5 students banned from campus for Gaza solidarity encampment

UR has been banning community members from campus since November for on-campus protests, but the first bans for current students were issued this weekend.

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