These letters need editing and I don’t know how to do this. Please feel free to edit this letter any way you want. The basic message is that the U.S. Department of Education has repeadedly lied in their letters to me, repeadedly sent falsified information in their letters to me and repeadedly have stolen my mailed in payments to pay off my debt, but wants me to continue sending money. ED is also doing this to many students around the country who are trying to pay off their debts. I can prove what they are doing to me. The information in my letter to the Inspector General took three year to compile as ED and I communicated, back and forth, in writting, . **************************************************************************** 01/24/03To whom it may concern:

For three years now the U.S. Department of Education in Washington has lied to me and sent falsified information to me repeatedly. I can prove this. They refused to deduct from my loan debt balance several post offfice checks they recieved from me through a collection agency they hired to collect from me in 1998 and 1999. I have two letters from the collection agency they hired informing me of their employment by ED. ED refuses to deduct these checks from my balance and enter these checks into their database and my Account Transaction Screen. They did these things to me to prevent me from getting a Pell Grant in 1999 and 2000 that I over-qualified for in 1999. From what I gather, they are doing things like this to other students around the country. By refusing to deduct my mailed in payment from my balance, by refusing to enter my payments into ED’s database and my Account Transaction Screen, they can say I did not mail in the required nunber of payments to qualify for a Pell Grant. I sent them the number of one of the post office checks they refused to deduct from my balance in 1999. Although I have sent ED this factual information and have told them which of their banks these payments where deposited in, and what collection agency collected for them at this time, they still refuse to deduct the payments from my balance. They still continue to lied, sent falsified information and pocket my payments since they refuse to return them and refuse to deduct them from my balance. I have also sent them information contrary to theirs. Information that I have from U.S. Department of Education, National Payment Center and still they refuse to correct the mess they made of my loan debt. Since I can’t afford an attorney and can’t get the help I need from goverment agencies I should be able to get, I am emailing everone I can, to see if there is someone out their who can stop the criminal activities going on at the U.S. Department of Education in Washington D.C.

Someone out there knows what to do and can do what needs to be done to stop ED from lying repeatedly, sending falsified information repeatedly and stealing student payments, that students mail in to pay off their debts.

The President has already started working on some of the goverments agencies that are not functioning correctly. I tried to reach him on his email address but was not able to get through.

I believe that thousands of mailed in student payments are being pocketed by those who work at or for or with the U.S. Department of Education, because ED has received these payments but refuses to acknowledge their reception and deduct them from student loan debt balances. If this is not so, where are the mailed in debt payments, that are in ED’s bank accounts, that are not deducted from any debtors balance. Finally, ED (Rod Paige, Napolion Jackson, Paulette Bailey, Renee Golden, Diane Spadoni), tried to convince me that they did not received my payments. They lied. When that didn’t work they tried to convince me that maybe their hired collection agency deducted their fee for collecting my payments, from the payments I sent to their collection agency. They lied. When that didn’t work they try to convince me that I mailed my payment in, in an untimely manner. They lied. When that didn’t work they said the arrangement with the previous collection agency was no longer valid, although the previous collection agency (under contract to ED) received several payments from me. They lied. When that didn’t work they threatened to file a lawsuit against me in Federal District Court if I didn’t send in more payments. They lied. When that didn’t work they said I had to recalculate the debt balance myself and send this information to them, as if I were an accountant. They lied. When that didn’t work they threaten to take action against me for accusing them of lying to me about my account, sending falsfied information and stealing my payments. They lied. They continue to do these things and continue to refuse to deduct my mailed in payments from my balance and refuse to tell me what they did with these payemnts. Why should I continue to mail in payments to ED if they keep disappearing after they are cashed by ED and ED denies receiving them although I have proof they did receive them ? Why should I or anyone keep mailing in payments to ED when ED lies repeatedly to me, sends falsified information repeatedly to me and steals some of my payments ? They have written many letters to me with many lies in them, sent many pieces of falsified information and have not returned my payments and refuse to tell me what they did with them, but want me to continue to mail in payments.

I hope someone out there can do something about all these crimes ED is commiting against students. Editors know alot of things. I don’t. Thats why I am contacting them. I have tried to reach the President on his email but I guess because of the large volume of emails and the war, his email is now turned off.

Thank you for your time.


Saul Carlo1686 St. Mary Dr.Dunedin Fl. 34698727-736-3587Account number 217-38-7749

——————————————————————————————————- 01/20/03To the President of the United States of AmericaGeorge W. BushDear Mr. President

Is it alright for a fellow countrymen to write to his president and ask him for help ?

You are very fortunate to have people working with you that don’t lie to you or give you falsified information or steal from you, people that don’t harrass you or intimidate you, or ignore you, or try to mislead you, etc. People that do the jobs they were hired to do. People you can trust. Therefore you can get involved in what you want to do and need to do. Unfortunately a lot of your fellow countrymen can’t get involved in the way they want to, and need to. In the way they should. Because the people they have to deal with, that work for the U.S. Goverment and local goverments (not your people), lie to them, give or send them falsified information, steal from them, harrass them, intimate them, ignore them, mislead them, threaten them, etc. People that don’t do the jobs they were hired to do. People who refuse to do their job when asked to, and so on. People that you, Mr. Presedent, wouldn’t trust. Thank God they are not on your team during this crisis.

For example, someone calls the police to help someone else, and they get hasseled or arrested instead by the police. Or take for example the women who got involved, reported what she overheared to be a terrorist plan, while eating at a resturant. Everyone tried to make her feel like she did the wrong thing. Again, for example someone tries to adopt a child in the U.S. But those in charge of the adoption agency make it so difficult that people get discouraged and travel to some other country (like germany) and adopt one of their orphans instead of an american child. And so because of the negative influence and attituted of goverment employees, that people have to depend on, to get involved, americans avoid getting inv

olved. Goverment employees know how to keep americans from getting involved. And thats one reason why americans can’t move forward, or if they try to move forward, the moving is slow. Goverment employees often do things like these to your fellow countrymen.

Take for example myself. I have been trying to clear up a default student loan debt for almost three years now. But it can’t be straightened out because Diane Spadoni of the U.S. Department of Education keeps lying in her letters to me about the number of payments I mailed to ED. She also keeps sending me falsified information about my payments and balance, when I request factual information, and keeps stealing my mailed in payments (and those of other students) so she can refuse to deduct them from the balance I owe ED. She refuses to enter these payments into ED’s database and my Account Transaction Screen, but insist I continue to mail in payments. All the payments I mailed to ED are in my account file and ED’s bank accounts. I have informed her of this. But she refuses to deduct them from my balance. I have proof that she is doing all these things to stop me from paying off my debt and to stop me from getting Pell Grant monies I over-qualifed for in 1999 and 2000, when I was going to school. God only knows how many other students the employees of ED are committing these and many more serious crimes against. If she is doing this to me, she is doing the same things to other students and other debtors on all ED programs. I do not owe ED money. ED owes me money but does not want to pay up. They refuse to pay what they owe me, and use lying, sending of falsified information and stealing of my payments, that I mailed in, so that they do not have to deduct them from my balance, and to keep me from getting the Pell Grant monies they owe me.

I can prove everything I say because I have factual U.S. Department of Education, National Payment Center, information, returned post office checks, returned personal checks and so on, that contradict her lies about my payments, the false information she sends and my missing payments in ED’s database. Diane Spadoni can’t prove anything she says about me or my debt or contrary to my information without falsifying her information. When she falsifies information I can prove that she has done this with factual information. All she can do is continue to lie, send falsified information and steal my payments, so she can continue to refuse to send me the Pell Grant money I over-qualified for in 1999 and 2000, that she is determined to stop me from obtaining. Why is she doing this ? I would have thought that her job would have been to deal with debtors honestly and deduct mailed in payments from debt accounts. Not steal them. I would have thought her job would have been to send truthful information instead of falsified information. But this is not happening. I now believe all ED workers like Diane Spadonii, lie repeatedly, send falsified information repeatedly and refuse to deduct some mailed in payments or steal them on some debts accounts repeatedly. Why ? Why do I have returned checks that are not on my Account Transaction Screen.

I believe that thousands of mailed in student payments are being pocketed by those who work at or for or with the U.S. Department of Education, because ED has received these payments but refuses to acknowledge their reception and deduct them from student loan debt balances. If this is not so, where are the mailed in debt payments, that are in ED’s bank accounts, that are not deducted from any debtors balance. Finally, ED (Rod Paige, Napolion Jackson, Paulette Bailey, Renee Golden, Diane Spadoni), tried to convince me that they did not received my payments. They lied. When that didn’t work they tried to convince me that maybe their hired collection agency deducted their fee for collecting my payments, from the payments I sent to their collection agency. They lied. When that didn’t work they try to convince me that I mailed my payment in, in an untimely manner. They lied. When that didn’t work they said the arrangement with the previous collection agency was no longer valid, although the previous collection agency (under contract to ED) received several payments from me. They lied. When that didn’t work they threatened to file a lawsuit against me in Federal District Court if I didn’t send in more payments. They lied. When that didn’t work they said I had to recalculate the debt balance myself and send this information to them, as if I were an accountant. They lied. When that didn’t work they threaten to take action against me for accusing them of lying to me about my account, sending falsfied information and stealing my payments. They lied. They continue to do these things and continue to refuse to deduct my mailed in payments from my balance and refuse to tell me what they did with these payemnts. Why should I continue to mail in payments to ED if they keep disappearing after they are cashed by ED and ED denies receiving them although I have proof they did receive them ? Why should I keep mailing in payments to ED when ED lies repeatedly to me, sends falsified information repeatedly to me and steals some of my payments ? They have written many letters to me with many lies in them, sent many pieces of falsified information and have not returned my payments and refuse to tell me what they did with them, but want me to continue to mail in payments.

I have cashed and returned payment checks. Some were forwarded to ED by Diversified Collections Services, Inc. Some were deposited in ED’s bank accounts in California and Florida, by Diversified Collections Services, Inc. and on the back of the returned checks it says “Depart of ED” and “For deposit only”. But Rod Paige, Napolion Jackson, Paulette Bailey, Renee Golden, Diane Spadoni refuse to deduct my mailed in payments from my debt balance and enter them into ED’s database and my Account Transaction Screen. The only reason I can think of for them refusing to deduct my mailed in payments from my balance is because someone wants the money for themselves. Maybe even spent it already. I wonder if the U.S. Department of ED and its associates gather once a week to split the spoils they manage to steal from students. They refuse to return this money or deduct it from debt balances. Thats stealing. Maybe they feel that if they refuse to acknowledge that they received my payments or anyone elses, they can cash the checks and keep this money for themselves. Or maybe they feel that if they refuse to return checks that they refuse to enter into ED’s database, they can keep the money for themselves. Maybe I should ask who gets the money that is deposited in ED’s bank accounts, but has not been deducted from anyones debt or balance and who gets my money (mailed in payments) that is in ED’s bank accounts that has not been deducted from my debt balance ? Can ED account for all the money in their bank accounts and whose debt balance they are deducted from ? If they say yes, they lie. My money is in their banks and it has not been deducted from my balance. Why are they stealing my money and that of many students ?

I want credit for the payments I mailed in to ED in 1998 and 1999 and my debt adjusted for 1999 after the payments are deducted from my balance and the Pell Grant monies I over-qualified for. But first and most of all, I want to know whats going on since all the goverment agencies I have written to refuse to do anything about the lying, sending of falsified information and stealing of student payments by the U.S. Department of Education and its collection agencies.

I have a letter from Diversified Collections Services, Inc., that proves ED has my money. ED neither admits it or denies it, but refuses to deduct my payments from my balance and send me a correct and honest Account Transaction Screen. Thats why I know its been falsified.

I have a lot of factual proof and information. The U.S. Department of ED has none unless they have made it up. Rod Paige, Napolion Jackson, Paulette Bailey, Renee Golden, Diane Spadoni, talk a good story, but they can

‘t prove what they say. I talk a good story and can prove everything I say with facts. Which I have mentioned to ED, who refuses to admit their wrong doings and correct what they have done wrong so that they can continue to steal from me. Why ?

I don’t think ED suppose to lie to students about their debts.They have no right lying to students just because they have goverment positions.

I don’t think ED suppose to falsified debt information and send it to students to rob them. They have no right sending falsified information to students just because they have goverment positions.

I don’t think ED suppose to steal mailed in payments, students send to pay off their debts. They have no right stealing from students just because they have goverment positions.

Since Rod Paige, Napolion Jackson, Paulette Bailey, Renee Golden, Diane Spadoni refuse to enter into ED’s database my mailed in payments for 1998 and 1999 and deduct them from my balance, I want my money back. ED has no right to keep it for itself.

If ED is doing this to student loan debts, what is ED doing to other goverment debts.

What the employees at the U.S. Department of Education and the Florida Department of Education and many other ED’s in other states are doing to many students, all over our country, to steal from them is wrong. They have lied over and over again, repeatedly to me and I believe others students who are trying to pay off their debts.

I was polite and courteous as I always am, when I first started writting to ED and its collection agencies, but the more courteous I was the more they keeped lying to me or sending me falsified information and refuse to deduct my mailed in payments from my debt. Why ?

Why do all these agencies (below) refuse to handle one simple account. Why doesn’t ED want this debt resolved. Why should a person who is poor, like me, be required to obtain the services of an attorney which I can’t, to obtain the truth from ED and its collection agencies and force ED to stop lying, sending falsified information, stealing my payments and doing the same things to other students, and send me the Pell Grant monies I over-qualified for in 1999 and 2000 ?

Why should it be so difficult for a person who is trying to pay off his or her debt, to obtain factual information from ED, and get an honest answer from Ed, to a question on a debt, instead of a lie and falsified information ?

I have written to the places and persons below asking for help and information but they refuse to send it and I know why. Because it would prove they are wrong in what they have done with my payments and my account and the payments and the accounts of other students. They refuse to send information because I am right about what I say and the information I request would incriminate them. They do not want to admit they are wrong and are commiting these crimes against me and others, and they do not want to stop stealing from students. Why are they getting away with this ? They think I request this information because I do not have it. I requested this information because I do have it and I wanted to see if I would be lied to by ED and anyone else. Not only did ED lie to me, but they sent me falsified information and refuse to confirm several of my payment that were in ED’s bank accounts. Why ?

This agency,

National Payment CenterU.S. Department of Education P.O. Box 4169 Greenville TX 75403-4169

said in one of the payment notices they mailed to me “Send any request for documents to:

U.S. Department of Education Federal Offset UnitP.O. Box 4220 Iowa City, IA 52245

But the Federal Offset Unit refused to answer my letters (3) when I wrote to them, and refused to send the documents I request. Why did National Payment Center lie in the payment notice they mailed to me ?

Diversified Collections Services, Inc. P.O. Box 5700, 555 McCormick St.San Leondra, CA 94577-0757

This collection agency under contract to ED (I have two letters from them), refuses to answer my letters concerning their involvement in the monies I sent to them and the checks they deposited in ED’s bank accounts and the checks they forwarded to ED. They refuse to tell me how many payments they received from me, although on the front and back of the checks I mailed them it has their agencies name. Why do they withhold information I should be entitled to have ? Because they do not want to acknowledge that they worked for ED by responding to my letter. Why ? DCS and ED are not in the business of collecting, they are in the business of stealing payments from students.

Florida Department of Education 325 W. Gaines 255 Collins Building Tallahassee, FL 32399-0400

I wrote this agency and they said they received two of my payment checks and they specified on what dates they received them. Since I did not send these checks to them but to Diversified Collections Services, Inc., I asked them in writing who sent these checks to them. This goverment agency refused to answer the questions in my letters to them after they said they would get back to me concerning the payments I mailed to Diversified Collections Services, Inc., and Diversified Collections Services, Inc., forwarded to Florida Department of Education. Its been ten months. They have not answered my letters yet. They do not want to write to me and confirm that my payments were forwarded or sent to them by Diversified Collections Services, Inc. They do not want to tell me that Diane Spadoni and ED does not want them to answer my letters with facts. This is why they withhold information I have requested and should be entitled to have, after they realized what this information was. Why does the Florida Department of Education refuse to answer my letters after they said they would ? Why did they lie to me and did not send the information they said they would send ?

National Payment CenterU.S. Department of Education P.O. Box 4169 Greenville TX 75403-4169

This agency refuses to confirm a payment notice amount of a certain date, that they mailed to me and I paid. They claim I do not have a right to this information. Why ?I am not a third party. They also refused to answer my second letter.

Diane SpadoniUnited States Department of EducationOffice of Student Financial Asistance ProgramWashington D.C. 20202

This women has lied to me repeatedly and sent falsified information repeatedly in every one of thirty letters she has written to me in almost three years. She refuses to answer my letters concerning all her lies and all the falsified information she has sent me, and the stealing of several of my payments. She refuses to deduct my payments from the balance of my debt, refuses to enter all my mailed in payments into ED’s database that are in my account file and in ED’s bank accounts and enter my payments into my Account Transaction Screen. And although she refuses to deduct these payments from the debt balance and enter all my mailed in payments into ED’s database and my Account Transaction Screen, she wants me to continue sending money. Why ? How would you feel if you mailed payments to your credit card company but the balance remained the same and your payments keeped disappearing, and the credit card collection agency denied knowing anything about this, but they demanded you continue to send payments, and you could not afford an attorney and legal aid would not help and you could not find work at this time and no matter which goverment organization you contacted that should investigate this matter, they would refuse to investigate or do their job, automatically taking this lier and thief’s side. Why ? I think if you investigate ED’s bank accounts you will find a lot of money unaccounted for, unless it has been pocketed. I would like to know how much is being pocketed and why. Students are not sending debt payment money to the U.S. Department of Education j

ust for the hell of it. It suppose to be deducted from their debts. Why does the U.S. Department of Education refuse to do this after they have been informed that they have received payments, by the students that have returned checks, confirming they were received ?

Atlanta Service CenterAtanta Federal Center Tower61 Forsyth St. SWRoom 19T89Atlanta GA 30303

This collection agency refuses to answer my letters for information. Why ?

Charles David MoorU.S. Department of Education, Federal Family Educational Loan Systems Division400 Maryland Avenue, SWWashington DC 20202

This agency refuses to answer my letter asking who was handling my loan debt on November 19, 1998, before it was transferred to ED in Florida. Why ? I know it was Diversified Collections Services, Inc., because I have a letter from them, but Charles David Moor doesn’t want to admit or confirm it. Why ?

All these agencies and person are working together to deceive debtors and steal from them. Why are they getting away with this ?

I have also contacted these persons below and they have not answered my letters or could not or would not nvestigate these crimes ED employees have commited against me and I believe, very strongly, many other students in this country.

Kenneth L. JostU.S. Department of Justice950 Pennsylvania Avenue, NWWashington D.C. 20530-0001 Refuses to investigate. He sent me information on my responsibility to pay off this debt (which I do not owe), but refused to send me information on ED’s responsibilities to collect my debt and payments reasonably, honestly and professionally, although I have requested this information from Kenneth L. Jostof the U.S. Department of Justice. And so ED continues to refuse to deduct from my balance, all the payments that are in my account file and ED’s banks. Why does the Department of Justice refuse to investigate stealing and criminal activities by the employees of the U.S. Department of Education ? Maybe their buddies with Rod Paige ?

Federal District Court The Honorable Elizabeth A. KovchevichChief, United States District Judge801 North Florida Ave. Tampa, Florida 33602

Wrote me and said she was not allowed to advise me.

Rod PaigeU.S. Secretary of EducationBuilding FOB-6Room Number 7W301400 Maryland Ave., SWWashington, DC 20202

Rod Paige is the person that authorizes or assigns ED employees that lie repeatedly, send falsified information repeatedly and steal payments repeatedly, to handle student loan debt accounts. I received letters from persons named Napolion Jackson, Paulette Bailey, Renee Golden, informing me, that Mr. Paige has given them the authority to handle this very serious matter concerning criminal activities by employees, like themselves, of the U.S. Department of Education. Can you believe this. Thats like assigning Saddam Hussein the job of finding weapons of mass distruction in his owe country. You know he is not going to find any. Therefore he is involved in this matter since I wrote him a letter, directly, informing him of what his employees are doing and he has not done anything to stop these crimes. The letters I received from him (?) are written by Diane Spadoni since her name is typed at the end of the letter and signed by either Napolion Jackson, Paulette Bailey, or Renee Golden “for Diane Spadoni”. Since Napolion Jackson, Paulette Bailey, and Renee Golden’s letters to me, informed me, that Rod Paige has given them permission to handling this matter on his behalf, I wonder why Napolion Jackson, Paulette Bailey, and Renee Golden, sign the bottom of the letters “for Diane Spadoni” instead of “for Rod Paige”.

Are these people working for terrorist. Is it their job to destroy lives without using bombs.

I am sending a lengthy, detailed letter to the Inspector General, John P. Higgins, Jr.,with a list of the many crimes commited against me and I believe other students.I don’t really beleive I will get an honest and professional response from the Inspector General since everyone at the 400 Maryland Avenue, SW, Washington, DC 20202-0498 building protects each other so that a person working there will not be prosecuted for committing crimes against students. If they have to do their jobs honestly, professionally and correctly, then they all have to work again, like they use to. And they do not want to do this.

So you see, its not that Americans don’t want to do what you ask them to do. Its not that americans don’t want to be responsible, its not that americans don’t want to be good citizens. Its that those that work for the U. S. Goverment block their moves to respond to your request by what they do, to discourage them and turn them away or ruin their lives for no reason what so ever. How can americans move forward when the U.S. goverment has hired employees who lie repeatedly, employees who send falsified information repeatedly and steal payments (I can prove this), and who are in dire need of mental help ? Also, I have heard people speak who have gotten into the bad habit of lying all the time, for no reason. Even if they don’t have to lie, they lie.

These people that work for the U.S. Goverment know that you are pre-occupied so they know your not watching them and don’t know whats going on. Since they couldn’t keep you from being elected, they have decided to keep you from accomplishing your goals threw your fellow countrymen. These kind of people will block your goals and that of your wifes, without your know about it. They will sabatage your efforts.

You are trying to help your fellow countrymen and Rod Paige and his group of liers and thieves and other organizations and agencies linked to him are doing everything they can with lies, false information, harrasment, and stealing and God only knows what else to hinder, stop, cripple your fellow countrymen. I don’t understand why they are doing this and why they are getting away with this, and why no one cares to investigate these criminal activities. If I did these things to the U.S. goverment I would be arrested and prosecuted. So why are not ED’s employees being arrested and jail for commiting many serious crimes against students or americans?

I can prove everything I say. ED employees can’t prove anything and neither can their associates in contradiction to my facts. And I can prove it anywhere, any time and would like a chance to do so. But I don’t trust these people and these organizations I have written to, since they have not responded to any of my concerns or my letters honestly, in three years. They do not have a sincere desire or care to correct these wrong doings that ED employees, like Rod Paige and his employees and others like them have commited against me and other students, because these organizations are not responsible and reliable agencies. Because they back Diane Spadoni in her criminal activities since they choose to respond to her lies instead of responding to my facts. Therefore they must be involved in trying to hide what they are doing. I need to speak to someone you trust Mr. President, who will act in an honest and professional manner. Someone who will investigate my facts and respond to my concerns about Diane Spadoni’s (and ED’s) lies, falsified information, and stealing, etc.

I have already mailed to ED information on one of the post office check payments I mailed to them and they refused to deduct from my balance in 1999, and enter into ED’s database and my Account Transaction Screen. Although it is in their bank account, they still refuse to deduct it from my balance and enter it into ED’s database and my Account Transaction Screen. Why ? They refused to deduct it from my balance in 1999 and still refuse to deduct it from my balance in 2002, although it is in one of their bank account. Why ? Maybe its no longer in their bank accounts. Maybe its in one of their employees bank, savings accounts.

Can you imagine what would have happened if Rod Paige and his employees would have been part of your team during our cr

isis. Can you imagine

Rocky Bucks now accepted in select College Town stores

Joy Mart, Taichi Bubble Tea, and Primohoagies each incorporate Rocky Bucks as part of their rewards program. Joy Mart also offers a 5% discount on all purchases with Rocky Bucks. 

Eastman students lambaste administration’s Title IX response

Second-year doctoral student Rebecca Bryant Novak stood in front of Eastman School of Music’s concert hall last Monday to protest against misogyny.

The importance of Title IX training

Regardless of what you think of the content of the training, however, it provides a time for reflection, particularly on your own actions.