Please help share this highly controversial opinion. It has been sent around the country to the media, but has been way too “hot” to touch. College newspapers should publish this opinion and let meaningful and essential dialogue unfurl. —-

Editorial/Opinion Submission276 WordsRandolph Joslyn Sill


Forgive 9/11

Please read this editorial with the understanding that it was written from the heart, with love and sincere sympathy for those who have suffered profound losses. It is not intended to be religious or aggravating, disrespectful or unpatriotic. Forgiveness always alleviates anger and brings refreshing solace, peace, healing and clarity.

Costs of not forgiving:The costs of not forgiving are immense. The anger and humiliation we feel appear to be eroding the values that make our country great. Our suspicion may destroy our privacy. Our fear may cause us to voluntarily trade our democracy for a dictatorship. Our insecurity may compromise our economic prosperity. Our lack of self-efficacy may cause us to blindly follow our biased news sources. Our xenophobia may cause us to forgo justice. Our rage may bring us into an unnecessary war.

Benefits of forgiving:Fortunately, the benefits of forgiving are equally immense. If you, personally, will make this change of heart, you will feel a renewed sense of power, trust and optimism. As a country, we can undermine terrorism with forgiveness. This is how we can win the generic war on terrorism. We can heal. We can overcome. We are a resilient people in a free country. Our power is not in our military defense; it is in our citizen’s willingness to defend our nation’s values of democracy, independence and justice.

Forgive now:It is time to forgive 9/11 now. We live in an accelerated world and we don’t have the convenience of withholding our forgiveness on an extended schedule. We can trade rage and indignation for peace and clarity. Forgiveness is the key, forgiving 9/11 now is the answer.

Comments welcomed at: forgive 911@aol.comRandolph Joslyn SillB.A. Economics, M. Ed. Curriculum and Instruction

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