54 year old woman brings gun to Med CenterAt approximately 2:30 p.m. on Feb. 21, staff at the Medical Center contacted security after receiving a call from an individual who threatened to come to the facility on Feb. 22 with a weapon. The Rochester Police Department was notified. Police attempted to locate the suspect overnight but were unsuccessful.Shortly after 7 a.m. on Feb. 22, the suspect arrived at the Medical Center and police officers initiated contact with the suspect. The suspect was in possession of a loaded automatic handgun, a hunting knife and other items. The suspect, identified as Carol Vahue, a 54-year-old Rochester resident, was arrested and taken into police custody on charges of criminal possession of a weapon and menacing charges. No one was injured during this incident, and neither of the two weapons taken from the suspect were used. The suspect was taken from the property to the Public Safety Building for continued follow up pursuant to her arrest, said Security Investigator Dan Lafferty.Pride Network signs stolen from campusBetween midnight on Feb. 23 and noon the next day, a bed sheet sign belonging to the Pride Network was removed from the walkway over the pit in Wilson Commons where it had been hung. The sign said “We are all gay allies” and contained the signatures of many students against homophobia. Additionally, eight cardboard signs that displayed gay pride placed around campus were also removed, according to security.There are no known suspects and police services were declined at the present time. The estimated value of the items stolen is $30.00, according to security reports.Anyone with information regarding who may be responsible for the theft of these items is encouraged to contact security.Fire occurs in Gilbert HallAround 10 p.m on Feb. 23, officers were dispatched to Gilbert Hall for a fire alarm. As officers were responding, a student aide patrolling campus notified security that there was thick smoke coming from a third floor room. The door to the affected room was closed and a fire alarm activated to clear the building, Lafferty said. The fire department responded and upon their arrival the room was accessed and the fire extinguished. Fire Department staff discarded a burnt chair out of the building and began ventilating the area. Fire department personnel determined that candles had been lit in the room, one of which fell over into the stuffed chair causing the fire. Following up with students identified as having involvement in this incident, it was determined the lit candles had been left burning and unattended in the room. Damages from the fire and resulting smoke were unable to be determined at the time of the report. The fortunate thing is no one was injured in this incident. Once the area was properly ventilated the fire system was reset and residents were allowed back into the building, according to Lafferty.Person found looking into vehiclesBefore 6 p.m. on Feb. 20 it was reported that someone was looking into parked vehicles on Library Road near Fauver Stadium. The suspect on Library Road was near the side entrance to the Goergen Athletic Center. This person was identified and found to have no university affiliation, Security said.The suspect contended he was waiting on friends to play basketball, but was unable to identify who his friend was or when he was going to get here. The suspect was warned and advised that he was on private property and he departed the property without incident, security said.Information provided by UR Security.Schnee can be reached at jschnee@campustimes.org.

Going for baroque

At the far end of the room lies the Eastman Italian Baroque Organ, the only full-sized Italian Baroque organ in the Western Hemisphere. 

The World is in Shambles and Chat Pile is the soundtrack

Just when I thought that “Knocked Loose” would be the best album I’d hear this year, Chat Pile swooped in with their sophomore record, “Cool World.”

Mustafa’s “Dunya,” about life with all its flaws

When I first saw the new release of “Dunya,” I could already tell it would echo his love for his culture through his music.