Take time to notice Mertin in WC

In her article published in the Dec. 6, 2001 issue of the CT, Monica Reyhani illustrates one of Roger’s greatest abilities ? seeing things in a manner many of us miss.

He took the time to look at things more closely, and to appreciate life’s simplicities on a greater level. And, because of this, he made several students more than just better photographers ? he made them better observers. A genuine Mertin hangs in the main foyer of Wilson Commons.

Have you seen it?

It’s there.

You just have to take the time to notice. Just like Roger did. Want to know what it looks like? Take a moment between one of your four Thursday classes, your nine-minute meals, your two-hour rehearsals, or your afternoon workouts and go see it for yourself.

? Jonathan Skolnick Class of 2001

Community service at Eastman

Last week, as I happened to be walking through the Eastman dorm, I remembered seeing a sign in the elevator advertising the first meeting of the Eastman Community Outreach group.

I couldn’t help but notice that it was poorly advertised and virtually inaccessible to any student living off campus. I also wondered if the people organizing the meeting were aware of any of the existing service organizations at Eastman.

My question was answered when I read Kirsten Swanson’s editorial in the Dec. 6 CT.

While I am sure that Ms. Swanson was disappointed in the lack of turnout for the meeting, her sarcastic commentary about Eastman students’ lack of commitment to the Rochester community is completely unfounded and offensive.

I am surprised that Ms. Swanson would write the things she did and that the CT would agree to publish them, as they are nothing more than generalizations and stereotypes ? the voice of a perturbed student lashing out.

Eastman boasts many student organizations which are highly committed to service, including the Mu Upsilon chapter of Mu Phi Epsilon, of which I am a member. The Eastman chapter of MFE has a strong tradition of service.

In addition to the work done by MFE, the Eastman Student Association, Phi Mu Alpha and Sigma Alpha Iota sponsor countless activities that benefit our community each year.

The idea of creating an official “Community Outreach Organization” is wonderful. Unfortunately, Ms. Swanson’s blind accusations and condescending tone serve only to discredit herself as a writer, promote negative stereotypes and will likely discourage Eastman students from joining the new service club.

? Heidi Remick Coordinator of Community Service for Mu Phi Epsilon and Class of 2002

Bleachmobile not even popular in Japan

I am a recent graduate of the UR who occasionally logs on to read the CT online. Currently I reside in the prefecture of Okinawa, Japan, in a small city around the middle of the largest island called Gushikawa. I felt like this gave me some ground to weigh in on the issue of Bleach-mobile.

While I have only been living my island lifestyle for about four months now, I feel certain that Bleachmobile was never the most popular female group in Okinawa. It often comes as a surprise to hear that there is a large market in mainland Japan for musical acts that come out of Okinawa ? as such, Okinawa has created more than just a string of popular acts for all of Japan and has come to be known as a hotbed for musical acts.

The market is fairly competitive down here, especially for bands with the potential of making it big on the mainland, but this market hardly every contains any sort of hardcore bands. The Japanese really love the Backstreet Boys and are starting to get interested in hip hop, but any sort of core music, be it femmecore, punkcore, skacore, or any such variety, are more or less ignored. They like music that sounds good to the ear, I’ve found.

If you are interested in some good bands that come from Okinawa I can get you some information.

? Patrick RiptonClass of 2001

Cat incident a disgrace

G.K. Chesterton: “No gentleman sets foot upon a worm.”

A jolt of shame for my alma mater blackened by UR fraternities. These “noble Greeks” mutilated, tortured to death and hung a helpless cat over one of their doorways.

Serial killers and bullies began with twisted “pranks” tormenting animals and others smaller than they.

Do these frat brothers advance civilization with descent to depravity? Can they abstract themselves from empathy with a fellow creature in agony?

Down on the levels of Sept. 11, and the Osama bin Laden video of Nov. 9.

All life was reverent to Albert Schweitzer.

This was a stark departure from the UR fraternity of Jeremy Glick, Class of 1993. Those collected for Glick’s baby daughter’s education, after Jeremy died a hero in Flight No. 93 on Sept. 11.

? Evan BergmanClass of 1975

Ground reviews in reality, not audience

I’m Eddie Abadi, guitarist for Who is Johnny Flavor-Jeans.

For a long time I wasn’t going to say anything about your review of me personally, but I decided to nonetheless. First of all, you gave our band a great review. Thanks, we appreciated it.

What I have to say about my “largely confusing and chaotic 4/10” is different. Next time you write a review, ground it in reality please. The reason I wasn’t going to say anything to you was that I’m confident about my abilities as a guitarist. I’ve been doing it for 11 years now, maybe longer than you’ve been listening to music.

If you have criticism of my playing make it good criticism and don’t insult me. And get the roles of our band right. We don’t have a lead singer or vocalist. We have 2 MCs who don’t write the music. They come up with those rhymes on the spot.

Most of what we play ? guitar, bass, drums, rhodes and moog keyboard, alto, tenor and soprano sax, trumpet, and turntables ? is improvised as well.

I guess that’s pretty much it. I wanted to get some stuff off my chest. I feel like I workpretty hard at what I do, and a lot of thought goes into what I play every time I play. Most bands do. I don’t think that you made an attempt at giving that back to them in your review.

While I have no qualms about you coming out and doing another article, make sure you know what you’re talking about next time. Don’t concentrate on audience reaction. Try and think objectively about what’s going on, it’s fine if what you want to write is your opinion, get the facts right though too.

To end, I don’t think my playing is chaotic and confusing. I thought I was being pretty progressive that night. And in my opinion ? I’m the one on stage ? it went well with the rest of my band. I may not have been soloing to get attention or recognition as you put it.

Oh yeah, and why don’t you rate bassists too, if you’re going to be giving us each personal ratings. Our bassist is an integral part of how we sound ? how every modern band sounds today. All the bands that night did have bassists.

? Eddie AbadiClass of 2002

The World is in Shambles and Chat Pile is the soundtrack

Just when I thought that “Knocked Loose” would be the best album I’d hear this year, Chat Pile swooped in with their sophomore record, “Cool World.”

Quick lesson on claiming tables

The process of claiming a seat during meal time rush hours can be quite the hassle. If done incorrectly, it can result in you not having a place to sit or even worse — death.

Pit introduces new coffee machine

Frequent visitors to Wilson Commons’ Pit might have noticed a new addition: a self-service coffee machine.