Eastman parents will descend upon our four-building campus for the Eastman version of Family Weekend this weekend.

While UR’s Meliora Weekend, a combination of Family, Alumni and Homecoming Weekends, happened two weeks ago, Eastman’s version was postponed until this coming weekend. The weekend was postponed in order to make it easier for parents to get hotels and because of scheduling conflicts within the school.

During Meliora Weekend, UR students and parents were entertained with famous guest speakers, such as comedian Bill Cosby. Unfortunately, Eastman’s Family Weekend will not feature any famous comedians.

“I think it’s good that we’re having it separate from UR’s Family Weekend,” said freshman music education major and vocalist Ali Loomis, “but I know a lot of parents still can’t come, including mine.”

“I think it’s a good idea,” agreed freshman bassoon performance major Heather Blankenship, “but I’m glad my parents aren’t coming.”

The Eastman Family Weekend was organized by a sub-committee of the Eastman Orientation Committee, in order to provide parents with a chance to learn more about Eastman than what they were able to pick up during the hectic move-in process back in late August.

Our Family Weekend will serve mostly as a time for students to see their parents.

“It’s an opportunity for them to put recognizable substances in my mouth,” freshman Sarah Ikerd said, suggesting that her parents will take her out to eat.

Additionally, parents will be able to learn a bit more about life as an Eastman student.

The weekend officially begins tomorrow, Oct. 26, when parents are invited to attend classes with their sons and daughters.

Unfortunately, they have yet to begin a policy where parents are invited to replace their children in the classes, but maybe that’ll happen in the next century.

Additionally, parents will get meet the Dean of Students, Phyllis Wade, and will get to enjoy a brunch Saturday at Eastman.

“I’m excited to show my family my new life, now that I’m not living at home anymore,” freshman vocalist Kathryn Withers said. Withers will be hosting her mother and sister in her dorm room.

“It’s going to be fun, but it doesn’t seem like there’s a whole lot planned other than student recitals,” she said

As everyone should expect, the weekend will be full of concerts.

The freshman quintets will all perform, as will the jazz combo. Additionally, there will be a percussion recital on Saturday, and also a student recital composed from a list of students who signed up in September.

Finally, although not part of the official Family Weekend, the Eastman Philharmonia will be performing music by Debussy and Bartk on Friday night. This performance will give parents an opportunity to hear a bona fide Eastman ensemble perform.

Generally, students are looking forward to seeing their parents. Among the various people with whom I spoke, some of them were looking forward to eating out. Most simply miss their parents and are anxious to see them. Others are excited about their parents being able to watch them perform in one of the many recitals. A few students whose parents are coming wish that they weren’t. “I came here to get away from my parents,” said one freshman, who said they would rather remain anonymous.

However, most of the people not excited about the upcoming weekend are those whose parents aren’t coming or those who live only a few hours away from Rochester, and have been home once or twice already.

You can find out more information about this weekend by talking to a member of the Eastman Orientation Committee.

Jansen can be reached at cjansen@campustimes.org.

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