I was greatly saddened by the commentary in Cecilia Le?s editorial observer that ?Americans can not claim the moral high ground.? That statement made my heart sink.

While I do not disagree with the right of an individual to call for a closer look at this situation, I do disagree with the timing and the context.

To ask people a mere 48 hours after the surreal catastrophe to look at it through the eyes of the Palestinians and look at our own use of the death penalty is insensitive and untactful. It was still a time of extreme emotion. These emotions had not dulled enough to allow any thoughts past those of shock and pain.

The nation grieved. But the time for thinking, debating and acting will come soon. Many will weigh in on both sides of the issue of our national reaction. Regardless of which side each of us is on, we must not turn against one another.

It is essential for America to raise itself to the moral high ground. We need to recognize the aggressor and not allow it to affect us again.

United as a people, we need to devote all of our resources to guaranteeing that the aggressor will never again desecrate our nation.

Hate and ignorance were the aggressors in these attacks, and it is these evils that we must look in the face and overcome ?not only on an international level, but in our own hearts.

It is easy to identify the monster in those who have attacked our country, and in those who have since reacted by attacking innocent Arab-Americans or blaming a degradation of our nation?s morals. But what may be harder for some to see, is the enemy at work in our midst.

I have heard anti-military people verbalize their distrust in those who are patriotic, and pro-military people call others ?lame-ass-tree-hugging-pacifists.? Although both groups are entitled to their opinions, they shouldn?t be belittling the other.

In this time of national crisis, we can not tolerate anyone who seeks to divide us against ourselves. Although ideologies may differ, we can not afford to let them get in the way of every citizen helping to heal the nation?s wounds in whatever way they see fit.

In this struggle we are all brethren, and when we fight we only take away from our own efforts. Hate has prevailed, if we allow ourselves to be divided based on our opinions of government action.

The hate that was focused on New York and Washington D.C. saw no difference in race, gender, color, sexual orientation, creed, or opinion of the military actions of this country.

What the terrorists saw, and what they wanted to annihilate were Americans. If they saw no difference, why should we?

Miller can be reached at amiller@campustimes.org

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