See, now you?re just lying. You know you want a better parking spot, fewer tickets and a little courtesy. But, once again, choice can only fix some things in life, and River Campus parking ain?t one of them. Walk, don?t drive, to Story G, page 12.

Laura van den Berg comes to the University of Rochester as part of the Plutzik Reading Series

On Nov. 14, critically acclaimed fiction author Laura van den Berg came to UR as part of the Plutzik Reading Series.

“Heretic” is thoughtful, but falls short in the fear aspect

I would definitely recommend it to anyone who likes a dialogue-heavy film, but not to someone who’s looking for a horror flick. 

I’ve “Given Up”: Linkin Park let me down

I think a big reason this new era of Linkin Park falls so flat for me is that I can’t connect to it on an emotional level.