CT Recommends

Marry Me: the return of the rom-com

No one is going to see a romantic comedy to be surprised by the plot. On Valentine's Day, I went to see "Marry Me" with the lowest of expectations. I anticipated a movie that was so-bad-it’s-good, but it was actually good. It was incredibly fun and charming, and I left the theater beaming.

CT talks about Bruno (no, no, no)

Disney’s “Encanto” has gotten us talking, sharing, and taking the first steps towards addressing internal struggles we may have been blind to, but so desperately needed to attend to.

CT Recommends: ‘Over the Garden Wall’

This is a show that is meant to be rewatched at least a couple times, and you’re probably not going to understand every reference or foreshadowing clue that appears on the first watch.

CT Recommends: Iguana Death Cult (yes, it’s a band)

“Lorraine” comes roaring in with what is probably the nastiest — like communal-style-first-year-men’s bathroom nasty — guitar riff I have in my Spotify library.

CT Recommends: Polyphia

I’m a simple man: I hear a funky little sound, I listen to it nonstop for three weeks, I forget about it. One such sound I discovered in 2018 that I’ve yet to shake is an instrumental band called Polyphia.

CT Recommends: ‘Nintendo Fitness Boxing’

Thanks to Nintendo, I can now practice boxing (and smash everything) in my single dorm room with the Fitness Boxing game.

The pan-religious appeal of Emmet Otter

May I suggest the Jim Henson-directed “Emmet Otter’s Jug-Band Christmas” for your not-quite-Christmassy-but-it’s-got-the-giving-spirit, made-for-television viewing pleasure? 

‘Parasite’ is a master class in empathetic satire

Here’s what I can say that won’t spoil it for you. The film is about a rich family and a poor family, and how their lives intersect.

CT Recommends: ‘Tick Tock: A Tale for Two’

The game “Tick Tock: A Tale for Two” combines my two worst gaming nightmares with a value gratis of realizing how intellectually incompetent I am.

Not Vanilla: What is self-care?

As college students, we are bombarded with a lot of messaging — about managing our mental health, eating right, and…