Archives - Alice Gao
Sex and the CT
Famliarize yourself with today’s hookup culture
Whether you’re a freshman or a senior, navigating through hook-ups can be extremely difficult. No amount of alcohol or…
Sex and the CT
Begging the bad sex question: Is it his or her fault?
Who is really to blame for bad sex, men or women?
Sex and the CT
Seeing the end in the beginning: the expiration dating game
[caption id="attachment_47672" align="alignnone" width="300"] Courtesy of[/caption] “He’s only back for the summer, but he’s so nice and sweet. I…
Sex and the CT
The Dewey sexicimal system: Getting it on in the stacks
Learn about what makes this phenomenon so popular.
From the Archives
UR sexual assault resources improve since 1991
A look back at a 1991 CT article shows us just how far we've come.
Sex and the CT
‘Toy story’ grows up: play safely by yourself
Need some help finding that new bedroom B.F.F.? Let Sex & the CT help you out!