SA Senator Lindsay Wrobel, who briefly became a national media fixture with her hunger strike in September, has resigned.

“I’m resigning my seat tonight because I am taking a medical leave of absence from the University,” the senior said in a statement to the Campus Times Tuesday. “I hope that in being open and public about that I can encourage others to take care of and prioritize themselves and all facets of their health as well.”

Wrobel had previously served as both the Senate’s speaker and deputy speaker.

Wrobel considers her greatest accomplishment her involvement on the task force to rewrite the SA Bylaws in 2015.

Her work in SA was praised highly by many current SA officials.

“She’s fought passionately to improve campus, to defend the rights of her peers, and to elevate the goals of her colleagues,” SA Vice President Becca Mooney said. “Lindsay is a force to be reckoned with, and she will always have a home in SA Government — if not as a senator, then as a friend. We wish her all the best.”

Senator Kamel Awayda, a sophomore, said he owed much of his development in and outside SA to Wrobel.

“When I was first a senator, Lindsay was the speaker and helped me figure out all the complexities of student government,” he said in an email. “I am happy for her that she is doing what is best for her, but […] SA as a whole will take a hit from losing such a competent member.”

Even senators who found themselves at odds with Wrobel respected her work.

“While Lindsay and I may not have agreed on many things throughout her time as senator, her passionate, actionable approach to progressivism and social justice at and away from the table has left me inspired day-in and day-out,” junior Senator Nick Foti said. “Lindsay’s passion and work ethic has persevered despite many adversities over the past few years.”

Wrobel’s seat is expected to be filled by sophomore Mira Amin Mostafa, who confirmed to the Campus Times in an email that she planned on accepting the offer to join Senate.

“SA Government has always been an area of great interest to me,” Mostafa said. “I look forward to working with some great individuals and I’m hoping I can learn a few things along the way.”

As Mostafa works to fill Wrobel’s shoes, Wrobel will be looking back on her time in SA fondly.

“My time being involved in SA Gov has been challenging, incredibly rewarding, and provided me with the greatest professional and personal growth I could’ve hoped to gain,” Wrobel said. “This growth was a direct result of the absolute privilege it was to work for and with some of the brightest and most driven students on this campus, and I feel that I’ve been a part of something that made a real difference.”

Tagged: SA SA Senate

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