UR Women’s Lacrosse (URWL) suffered two tough losses against St. Lawrence University (SLU) and Clarkson University last weekend to start Liberty League play. The Yellowjackets moved to a record of 3–6 overall.

Against the St. Lawrence Saints, the ‘Jackets got off to a nice start. In the first half, URWL had contributions from two of their star players. Sophomore Madeline Levy scored four goals and junior Jamie Wallisch scored two, along with an assist. Junior Mara Karpp also had an assist in the first half, which ended in a tied score of 6–6. SLU Senior Chloe Knapp scored twice in the first half.

UR and SLU were neck-and-neck in the second half.  Wallisch had another goal and an assist, and Karpp, senior Elisabeth Watson and sophomore Olivia Moutevelis also scored goals. Regulation ended in a tie of 10-10, moving into overtime.

The Saints’ Kierra Taussig scored the lone goal during the overtime period, clinching the win for SLU. Sophomores Sarah Jahnige and Elizabeth Botto, senior Megan Fujiyoshi, senior  Danielle Diacovo, and Wallisch each had one ground ball for the ‘Jackets. Watson and Wallisch had an impressive five and four draw controls each, while Levy and Karpp both had one. Senior Maire Prosak played every minute in-goal for URWL, collecting nine saves.

The following Saturday afternoon, the ‘Jackets fell to the Clarkson University Golden Knights with a score of 12–6. The ‘Jackets received two goal contributions, each from Levy and senior Cassie Mahar. Wallisch added two assists, along with a goal. Moutevelis scored as well, along with Watson racking up one assist.

Kate Dillon scored three goals for Clarkson, while tallying four assists. Ashley Flick, Taylor Collins, Christine Wright, and Stephanie Lynch each had two goals for the Golden Knights. Christina Pollard added one. Wright had an assist, as did Flick, pacing the Golden Knights for victory.

The ‘Jackets have remained optimistic about the future after suffering these two losses.

“While these last few losses have been mentally tough on the team, they have shown us what we need to work on,” Levy said. “[We] are currently focusing on using these losses to motivate us in a positive direction, by learning from what went well in these games, and learning from what didn’t go so well.”

Levy explained that the ‘Jackets are staying positive and focused moving forward, “as well as getting hungrier for the next few games.”  

Teammate and classmate to Levy,  Sarah Jahnige pointed out the strong potential that the ‘Jackets have in their arsenal, saying “We are going to use the two losses as a learning experience.”

The ‘Jackets plan to take what they did well and build on it, while attempting to minimize mistakes that were made.

Tagged: LAX

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