CHEERS for the Hillside Market. If we had gotten a market that was open 24 hours, was much bigger than the Corner Store or had all kinds of new products, it would have been good enough. Getting a new market that has all three of those traits is pretty awesome.
CHEERS for the last minute decision to stream President Bill Clinton’s Meliora Weekend address for the entire UR community. After months of controversy about ticket availability, the stream was a perfect way to settle the issue.
CHEERS for booking Janelle Monàe for our fall concert, which was the most elaborate, mind-blowing and all around awesome performance UR has seen in many years. All is forgiven for bringing us Super Mash Bros.
CHEERS for the introduction of UR Connected. Being able to use campus Internet without worrying about logging in or being redirected is very convenient.
CHEERS for starting the process of making some members of the Security staff sworn officers, giving them the tools and training needed to be maximally effective. A good balance is struck by giving them batons and pepper spray — enough for them to enforce safety protocols — but not firearms or tasers.
CHEERS for finally posting the schedule for Geneseo’s LATS bus — which stops at many places of interest to UR students — at the bus vestibule (even though the full schedule still isn’t up).
CHEERS to UHS for remodeling its waiting room to better serve the privacy and health concerns of visiting students.
CHEERS for the solar laptop charging station — even though we’ll only get to use it for about three months a year, it’s still an awesome addition to campus.
CHEERS for the new Danforth. It looks beautiful, the food tastes a lot better and hey, even the much-derided lines for food have forced self-control on some of us.
CHEERS for the unseasonably good weather we enjoyed through November.
CHEERS to the Students’ Association Government for setting the Safe Ride Home program into action, ameliorating a major student safety concern.

Gaza solidarity encampment: Live updates

The Campus Times is live tracking the Gaza solidarity encampment on Wilson Quad and the administrative response to it. Read our updates here.

Live updates: Wallis Hall sit-ins

Editor’s Note (5/4/24): This article is no longer being updated. For our most up to date coverage, look for articles…

Recording shows University statement inaccurate about Gaza encampment meeting

The Campus Times obtained a recording of the April 24 meeting between Gaza solidarity encampment protesters and administrators. A look inside the discussions.