How often can you say that you met somebody who got to be involved with ‘Who Wants to be a Millionaire”? Sophomore Ben Seitleman, president of the Thelion Society, was one of the talented members of the Quiz Bowl team who won the College Bowl Nationals last spring and was invited to be a lifeline on the famous quiz show.

Ben is also involved in many other activities on campus. He is the outreach coordinator for the Film Interest Floor and is also active in the Undergraduate Philosophy Council and UR Cinema Group.

You are president of the Thelion Society. Tell us a little about what the club does and how the team has been doing this year.
Basically, we were in the College Bowl tournament last spring and we won nationals, and because of that, we were invited to be lifelines on ‘Who Wants to be a Millionaire.” We were so good we got invited back for another episode, and they also asked us to be experts on the ‘Who Wants to be a Millionaire” game on the iPhone.

We also had a pop-culture tournament last weekend. The team took second place and one of the members, John Marquis, took first place in individuals.

We are also having an intercampus tournament in December as well that will allow students on campus to put together teams and compete.

What is you favorite board game?

If you could have one restaurant open up shop on campus, what would it be?
Chipotle. It’s a Mexican restaurant.

What is your favorite movie?
‘Indiana Jones: Raiders of the Lost Ark.”

What is your favorite thing about UR?
The professors and their accessibility.

So I heard something about you being invited to be on ‘Jeopardy”? Tell me a little about that.
I did the online test for college ‘Jeopardy” and was asked to try out in Toronto. I won’t hear back until March.

Clark is a member of the class of 2012.


New vocal jazz program at Eastman

Not a trace of the thunderous applause from just a moment earlier lingers in the air; instead, the crowd is hushed, breath caught in their chests for fear of breaking the spell.

Going for baroque

At the far end of the room lies the Eastman Italian Baroque Organ, the only full-sized Italian Baroque organ in the Western Hemisphere.