Due to the success of its trial period last spring, the Collegiate Readership Program has returned to River Campus. The first papers were distributed last Monday.

The program delivers copies of USA Today, the New York Times and the Democrat and Chronicle. Papers are circulated in the most populous dining and study areas on campus, including Wilson Commons, Gleason Library, Susan B. Anthony Halls and Douglass Dining Center. The newspapers are free to students due to the collaboration of the Students’ Association, River Campus Libraries and the Parents Fund.

The SA chose pick-up locations for the newspapers based on where the most students circulate throughout the day. Locations were also selected based on where students would be most likely to share and discuss the papers, hence the selection of dining and study areas.

A survey conducted at the beginning and end of the four-week trial period last year suggested that the availability of newspapers on campus makes students more aware of current events. This demonstrates why the program was deemed worthwhile to bring back to UR.

The trial period gave the SA the opportunity to see which aspects of the program worked for the University community and which did not.

The results led to the decision to launch a slightly smaller newspaper program, implementing only the aspects of the trial program that yielded the most success. Because of this, the program will cost UR $18,000 each year instead of the originally-proposed $50,000.

Newspapers will be available to students each weekday in many locations. The SA encourages students to take advantage of the service and to recycle the papers after use. These newspapers will be available through the spring semester, until Friday, May 2.

Lombardo is a member of the class of 2010.

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