A man who was one time associated with UR was observed attempting to download a movie onto his computer in the ITS Center in Rush Rhees Library, according to UR Security Investigator Dan Lafferty.

The movie was a copyrighted motion picture, and therefore, the download was illegal.

He departed from the library before officials could arrive, but he was found and positively identified by library staff.

The man was found to be an ex-graduate student, but his affiliation with the University ended years ago.

Security gave the man an interim ban from the area and he was advised not to return to ITS premises.

Student sledder collides with pole and injures tailbone

A student was injured on Friday night while sledding on an inner tube when he collided with a metal volleyball net pole, according to Lafferty. The incident occured at 10:30 p.m.

The student was travelling down the hill toward Sage Art Center at a high rate of speed before impacting the pole.

The incident occurred on the hill area behind Susan B. Anthony Halls. The student complained of injury to his tailbone and reported that he momentarily lost consciousness.

He was transported to Strong Memorial Hospital by ambulance for further evaluation and care.

Pizza box fire forces Gilbert Alarm

A pizza box was abandoned in the oven in the kitchen on the first floor of Gilbert and began burning on Saturday night, according to Lafferty.

Officers who responded found smoke in the hallways and pulled the fire alarm, evacuating the building.

The pizza box was found in the sink, doused with water. The fire extinguished, members of the Rochester Fire Department ventilated the remaining smoke from the area.

No damages or injuries were reported, besides the pizza box.

Domino’s Pizza employees gain access to student dorms

Two Domino’s Pizza employees were reported to be passing out fliers in Lovejoy Hall, according to Lafferty.

They were then observed leaving Lovejoy and gaining entrance to Tiernan Hall using the electronic card reader. The two employees had no affiliation with the University.

At first the employees maintained that they had followed students into the building. However, they soon admitted that they had obtained a student ID card from a student who wanted to have his pizza delivered to his door.

The two were issued interim bans from University property and warned against further such activity.

Information provided by UR Security.Wrobel is a member of the class of 2010.

The steep price of health and wellness

Instead of shaming others for not epitomizing stereotypical health and wellness, we must meet every individual where they are at.

New UR chatbot released with more features expected in coming weeks.

Despite the University's initial seemingly skittish response to the use of AI, UR has now started embracing this advancing technology…

Now is the time to stand for our students: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

While we understand that the University receives federal funding and has to follow federal regulations, the University has an immutable obligation to their diverse body of students to ensure their safety on campus.