As a member of the UR Student Health Advisory Committee junior Rachel TenBrock is already moving toward life after graduation. Choosing Health and Society as her major further fuels her goal of entering medical school.

Yet, Rachel is not only a determined pre-med student. She is the President of Delta Gamma sorority, a tutor for the Cameron Community Center, a participant in Intramural Tennis and an avid violin player.

“I want to get as much out of my education here as possible,” she said.

Why are you involved in these activities? Do you have a special reason for your involvement?

“When I first came to college, I knew nothing about Greek life here and had no desire to join a sorority. I ended up going through recruitment to meet more people. The experiences and knowledge I have since gained have definitely been invaluable.

“I am interested in health care and joined URSHAC as a way to learn more about the services offered at UHS and to be connected with health and medical opportunities on campus and in the community. I joined intramural tennis because I used to play when I was younger, and this was a great way for me to be able to start playing again. It’s good exercise and a lot of fun – much better than running on a treadmill.”

Why did you pick your major? What motivates you?

“I’m a pre-med student and want to learn about different aspects of health care and medicine in addition to the regular science courses. This major has allowed me to take medical related courses in philosophy, anthropology and psychology.

“I am motivated to do my school work primarily because it’s my personal goal to do as best as I can in my courses, and I know that doing well will help me in the future.”

What do you plan to do after you graduate?

“After graduation, I plan to take a year off to either work or travel and then hopefully attend medical school. I would like to do some sort of health care work in developing countries. I am also interested in traveling through Europe because I won’t be able to study abroad during undergrad.”

What’s your guilty pleasure?

“Watching consecutive taped episodes of Grey’s Anatomy.”

What’s the last good book you read?

“‘My Sister’s Keeper,’ by Jodi Picoult.”

What are your winter break plans?

“Sailing in the Virgin Islands in the Caribbean for a week with my family and snowboarding when I am at home.”

Schwartz is a member of the class of 2009.

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