Amita De Souza, a senior from East Amherst, N.Y., is president of ADITI and a member of the one of the most popular dance groups on campus, the Bhangra Team. She is majoring in Neuroscience and minoring in both Studio Arts and Clinical Psychology. To complement her major, De Souza works at the Neuromuscular Diseases Laboratory at the Medical Center. She is also an RA in Gilbert and an SA Appropriations Committee Accountant.

Why did you pick this major? What motivates you?

“Neuroscience is a burgeoning field that provides opportunities because it can be both broad and specific in scope at the same time. I knew I wanted to be a Neuroscience major when I was first looking at this university, and it was one of the primary reasons I chose to come here. I also knew I wanted to be a Clinical Psychology minor since I’ve always been interested in psychiatry and psychology. Studio Arts, on the other hand, was something that I fell into. I was originally a Spanish minor but decided to take a photography course my sophomore year since I was always interested in photography, but never able to do it during high school. This sparked an interest in art which I’ve been pursuing ever since.”

Why are you involved in these activities?

“I enjoy being involved and active around campus. I joined ADITI to learn more about myself as a South Asian. My family is from Goa which is a state in India, but both my parents were born in Africa, and we are Roman Catholic. This mixture left me more than a little confused growing up, and I figured college was a great time to learn more about my heritage.

“I joined Bhangra because I love to dance and I had not performed this style a lot. SAAC is a great way to help other groups around campus and monitor the fiscal responsibility of organizations.

“Finally, I became an RA to help others become integrated into the college community. This is my fourth year in freshman housing which has yielded many interesting but memorable experiences.”

What do you plan to do after you graduate?

“Attend medical school at SUNY Buffalo.”

What is your dream job?

“To be a mystery detective because I love detective fiction, movies, books, board games, etc. I collect Clue memorabilia.”

What’s the last good book you read?

“The ‘Cat Who Mystery Series’ by L.J. Braun.”

What’s your favorite thing to do in Rochester?

“To try new restaurants with my friends. The last good one I went to was Fettuccine’s. Although a little pricey, it was fun for a fancy night on the town.”

Handis is a member of

the class of 2009.

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