When prospective students first receive mail from our beloved home of higher education, the first thing they see is UR’s logo. At school, they again see the UR logo. When perusing UR’s Web site, they see the logo. Unfortunately, each logo is different. Each office within UR decided to add its own creative touch.

Then, in March of last year, a miracle occurred.

That miracle was Bill Murphy, the new vice president of communications. One goal given to Murphy to fulfill upon being appointed was to consolidate the various logos of UR into one proud, recognizable emblem.

The results of Murphy and his many helpers’ work was displayed last night at the Students’ Association’s first Town Hall meeting of the year, and plenty of feedback was given. We, as students, are giving our input as well.

Should the logo be classic and traditional, or hip and modern? Considering the brick, ivy, grassy quads and large Greek pillars, our logo should reflect such a campus.

Should our logo include the shield that resides at the heart of our official seal? The shield is only our most historic, recognizable symbol. Consider it nothing short of necessary.

Should the logo include “Meliora”? If the logo is meant to make us a better institution, not including the idea of being “always better” is just downright hypocritical.

Should the logo include our most beloved weed, the dandelion? Although historical, this flower is more a symbol of endearment than a unifying icon.

Should the logo include a backdrop of Rush Rhees? While our literary Mecca is like a second home to many here, UR extends far beyond the River Campus. This logo will not just represent the College of Arts & Sciences – it stands for Eastman, Simon, Dentistry, Nursing and the research institution aspects. To use Rush Rhees would be a betrayal to our comrades.

Should the logo appear in blue and yellow when not in black and white? If not, then why have school colors at all?

The final decision is left to the community. But what we ask above all is for UR’s various offices to embrace the new graphic identity. Whatever our logo is, it must be the logo for everyone and everything coming out of this school. Until this goal is achieved, the University will never be unified.

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