In TheCenter’s 2004 ranking of American research colleges, UR placed in the top 30. One of the reasons is the Undergraduate Program in Biology and Medicine, which gives students a strong background in the biological sciences. As a second-semester sophomore, the extent of my experience in the biology department has been with introductory courses. These courses, required for every major in the department, are also recommended or required for those seeking matriculation into medical school. Therefore, I’ll admit that these classes are a bit impersonal – but then again, for similar introductory courses at other schools, the cavernous Hubbell Auditorium filled to the brim would be considered “cozy.” The important factor in these classes is that the department chooses experienced professors or lecturers, helpful graduate students and enthusiastic undergraduate teaching assistants to lead lectures, guide us in labs and help us in recitations. Though the requirements for a biology major are rigorous, their dedication helps biology students immensely. “The biology department at UR has endless resources and offers my peers and me many research opportunities as undergraduates,” sophomore, Brad Goldberg said. These resources stem from a relationship between the undergraduate and graduate program. For example, graduate students are expected to serve as graduate teaching assistants – I found the graduate students in my laboratory courses to be very helpful. Additionally, undergraduates are encouraged to avail themselves of the great research facilities at UR and engage in independent research. Ultimately, this interaction with graduate students and research adds a practical dimension to an undergraduate education. “[Biology] has always been a passion of mine and I look forward to applying what I learn here to a graduate experience,” Goldberg said. This curriculum will decidedly make him and countless other biology majors competitive when they apply to post-graduate programs.However, a real asset for UR biology majors – and what attracts me to the UR biology program – is the proximity of a major medical center. Having the University of Rochester Medical Center nearby is a definite asset, vastly increasing the options for an undergraduate to get experience in a laboratory setting. I obtained a job in the department of biomedical genetics. There, I was fortunate to find a boss – an ssociate Professor in genetics – and graduate students who were willing to share their expertise in the biological sciences to help my career along. Though I will spend four years of living in Hutchinson Hall and subsisting on free Carlson coffee, my biology degree from UR will be well worth it.Scott can be reached at

Gaza solidarity encampment: Live updates

The Campus Times is live tracking the Gaza solidarity encampment on Wilson Quad and the administrative response to it. Read our updates here.

Notes by Nadia: The myth of summer vacation

Summer vacation is no longer a vacation.

Riseup with Riseman

“I decided to make one for fun — really poor quality — and I put it on my Instagram just to see how people would react," Riseman said.