An apology to those who actually tried the word find:

I, the editor of the Comics page made a big mistake and did not realize that some of the words in the word find were actually mispelled in the puzzle. Sorry about that. Please DO continue to do the puzzles! =D Have a great day.

Sincerely,Connie Shieh[CT] Comics Editor

Extremely funny and relatable humor article

This was The Funniest Article. Ever. and I was just so impressed by my own writing that I couldn’t help but to share it with everyone.

Washing machine woes: Tide Pods

There have been numerous reports of hardened and shriveled blue gel-plastic on clothes of all shapes and sizes, an ominous sign of a Tide Pod gone horribly wrong.

Dressing classy and cozy during the Rochester winter: A style guide

This article will be your guide to Rochester winters, providing tried and true methods that still allow your style to shine brighter than your SAD lamp.