To the Editor:My father recently invested in an international franchise company known as “Cartridge World.” The company specializes in ink and laser cartridge refills for printers, copy, and fax machines. Cartridges bought from Stores can typically run a college student twice the amount that they should have to spend. Cartridge world literally cut the cost of ink and laser cartridges by 50% and 30% respectively. Ideally we would like to start doing a lot of business with the university, and as a result, save your students a lot of money. As a college student myself at a college in Eastern Massachusetts, I know that most students focus on their academics and don’t always have a source of income. The phrase “poor college student” rings true because students don’t have the money they would like to as they may in the summer when the weight of 4 or 5 courses is not holding them down. I think this topic would be an excellent article for your paper. Every student ends up printing a lot with the amount of papers and research that they do and saving 15 or 20 dollars on each cartridge can help funds in the long run. Even if you allow guest columnists, I would be happy to write an article in order to get the word out. Please get back to me with your thoughts at or call me at 508-951-8528. Thank you and happy holidays.

Sincerely, Jimmy Moe

Dinner for Peace was an unconventional way of protesting for Palestine

The dinner showcased aspects of Palestinian culture. It was a unique way of protesting against the genocide, against the Israeli occupation, against the university’s involvement with the genocide.

Notes by Nadia: The myth of summer vacation

Summer vacation is no longer a vacation.

Furries on UR campus?

A few months ago, as I did my daily walk to class through the tunnels to escape the February cold,…