Christina MichaelClass: 2006Sport: Cross CountryMAJOR: BiologyWhere CHRISTINA went to high school: Clayton A. Bouton High SchoolWhat is CHRISTINA’s ideal day off: A day at the beach.Favorite athletic memory: Winning the CYO Basketball Diocesen Championships.Favorite sport other than VOLLEYBALL: SoccerFAVORite BOOK: “It’s Not About the Bike: My Journey Back to Life” by Lance ArmstrongFavorite foods: Thaifavorite movie: “As Good As It Gets” Plans after college: Medical school or graduate school.expectations for the season: Improve my times for Regionals.Why CHristina is the athlete of the Week: Christina finished first in her division at the University of Delaware Cross Country Invitational. She clocked in at a time of 20:03 for the five-kilometer course, second overall among many other Division-I runners and was named the Runner of the Week by the New York State Women’s Collegiate Athletic Association.
Matt Bielecki Class: 2008Sport: FootballMAJOR: UndecidedWhere Matt went to high school: Burn Hills, Ballston Lake, N.Y.What is MATT’s ideal day off: Golfing and hanging out with friends.Favorite athletic memory: When I stripped a kid who was about to score a touchdown in a high-school fottball game. The strip ended up being the game-winning play.Favorite sport other than Football: GolfFavorite food: Steakfavorite movie: “Boondock Saints”Plans after college: Not really sure yet.expectations for the season: To keep on winning.Why Matt is the athlete of the Week: Matt had 10 rushes for 88 yards and four touchdowns in the Yellowjacket’s 31-6 shellacking of Gettysburg College.