William Campbell, 23, of Rochester was arrested by police after they received information that the individual may be carrying weapons. Responding police located the suspect in his vehicle in the parking lot outside the emergency department, according to UR Security.Upon seeing the officers approaching, the suspect fled the area on foot. Following a brief foot pursuit, the suspect was taken into custody by police, at which time he was found to be in possession of two handguns. The police confiscated the handguns.Campbell was charged with criminal possession of a weapon, a class A misdemeanor.Lacrosse goal stolen by three youthsAccording to UR Security, at approximately 6:14 p.m. on Sept. 12, a staff member notified Security that several youths were carrying a lacrosse goal down Wilson Blvd. Security officers located three youths carrying the goal down the road and a fourth who rode off on a bike. The three youths were identified and found to be 10-11 years old. The goal was recovered and returned to the Hill Court playing fields. The juveniles were reprimanded, according to UR Security Investigator Dan Lafferty.Laptop stolen from dorm roomA student living in Susan B. Anthony Residence Halls reported that an unidentified suspect stole her laptop from her room. According to the student, the theft occurred sometime between 8 and 8:40 p.m. The computer is valued at an estimated $1,175. The student said that she would file a police report at a later date, according to Security. Several car windows broken on campusA visitor reported that an unidentified suspect broke a window in her car between 7:30 p.m. on Sept. 8 and 7:30 a.m. on Sept. 9. The car was parked in Todd Lot. The thief stole an in-dash CD player, about 90 CDs and a cell phone. The damage is estimated to be $1,300.Meanwhile, between 2 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. on Sept. 9, another student’s car window was smashed while it was parked on Wilson Blvd. adjacent to Faculty Road. However, the student reported that nothing was stolen from the car, according to UR Security.In a similar incident, between Sept. 8 and Sept. 9, an unidentified suspect broke the passenger side rear window of a student’s car parked in Wilson North Lot. A bike secured to the roof rack of the car, a bike lock and lock core, two CDs and a case containing a camera and two lenses were stolen from the vehicle. The value of the stolen items is estimated at $1,440. Two vehicles broken intoBetween Sept. 5 and Sept. 9, two vehicles were broken into in River Lot. One student reported the driver’s side window of his car was broken, but nothing was stolen from the vehicle. The second student reported the passenger side window of his car was broken, according to UR Security.In addition, the CD player/radio and a bag of emergency supplies were stolen. The stolen goods are estimated to be worth $553.Information provided by UR Security.Gorode can be reached at kgorode@campustimes.org.Graul can be reached at jgraul@campustimes.org.

Valentine’s Day massacre for UR women’s hoops

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UHS introduces new cancellation and no-show policy

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Dressing classy and cozy during the Rochester winter: A style guide

This article will be your guide to Rochester winters, providing tried and true methods that still allow your style to shine brighter than your SAD lamp.