no because it meante the loss of american lives young live at that men and women who have notyet begun to live their live and redeem theirconstitutional promises of life liberty and the pursuit of happinessi believe that the president may have felt he had no choice and perhaps he did not butiraq could have declared war on the united states we always end up looking the the world atthe united nations which is where germany surrendered to at the end of world war 11.

and there will always be the threat of nuclearfacilities and weapons abroadterrorist groups etc, wtc/ 9/11 not withstandingwhat would america do if we had an all out war on our hands..

Students gather in unregistered protest of administration’s alleged complicity in the war in Gaza

Speakers at the protest on campus told the audience that the “temporary ceasefire” was a reprieve, but that the “fight” was not over. 

UR Libraries show ways to find books for free

There are three main options for students to find low-to-no cost course materials: Course Reserves, UR and Public Libraries, and open web sources. 

URMC provides opioid overdose prevention training

Naloxone displaces the opioid from the brain receptors, which stops the effects of the overdose for sixty to ninety minutes. This allows time for a hospital to intervene.