Mitch Hedberg is a laid back type of cat. His smooth delivery and simple yet eloquent style has made him famous in the comedy circuit. This Friday he will be performing on campus, and it’s free! Unlike the two guys from “Whose Line is it Anyway?” Hedberg is funny. Some may even say hilarious. He knocks out one liners left and right, and manages to accomplish a feat most comedians cannot – he is almost completely inoffensive while maintaining a high level of humor. Hedberg was born and raised in St. Paul, Minn. He got his first break in Southern Florida when he walked into the MTV offices and convinced a producer to hire him for the show “Comikaze.” His comic genius was quickly recognized and other networks snatched him up. Comedy Central hired him for “Comedy Product,” A&E for “Comedy on the Road” and NBC for “Comedy Showcase” with Louie Anderson. Hedberg will be performing tomorrow in the Strong Auditorium. The show starts at 9 p.m. Tickets are free and can be obtained at the Common Market. An additional 75 tickets will be held for those who show up at the door without. Well by now I’ve told you where and when this event is taking place, so now you can go and see Hedberg. Well, what are you waiting for? Go and get some tickets, fool! “I bought a donut and they gave me a receipt for the donut, I don’t need a receipt for the donut man, I’ll just give you the money then you give me the donut-end of the transaction. We don’t need to bring ink and paper into this. I just can’t imagine a scenario where I’ll have to prove that I bought a donut. Some skeptical friend, ‘don’t even act like I didn’t get that donut, I got the documentation right here. Oh wait it’s at home, in the file, under D,'” HedbergGoldner can be reached at
Congestion Pricing
Congestion Pricing: Not as good as it seems
Congestion pricing is a promising idea, and I have no problems with it in and of itself, but the MTA should have expanded its service and responded to its underlying safety issues before pushing people into its system.
The steep price of health and wellness
Instead of shaming others for not epitomizing stereotypical health and wellness, we must meet every individual where they are at.
Transgender Liberation: A movement whose time has come again
Leslie Feinberg called for a transgender rights movement. 33 years later, this message is more important than ever.