Vocal Point, UR’s only exclusively female a capella group perform their spring concert aptly entitled “A League of Their Own,” this Saturday night at 7 p.m at Strong Auditorium.

Vocal Point will also welcome “Last Call,” a group from Cornell. “This will be our most varied show yet,” junior member Catey Juravich said. “We will be performing songs from Crosby, Stills & Nash, Avril Lavigne and Save Ferris.”

Vocal Point performed last semester at Cornell and will perform at Union College next weekend. They haven’t come out with a CD since their 2001 album “Signs Point To.” The group is currently raising money in hopes of putting one out this year.

Juravich says that although Vocal Point has been criticized in the past for not being as animated as the Yellowjackets, the audience will be in for a big surprise Saturday night. “We are making steps in the right direction,” she said. “This show will be very exciting to watch.”

Rybaltowski can be reached at mrybaltowski@campustimes.org.

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