Contestants of the Miss Ao Dai Pageant perform a traditional Vietnamese dance during Saturday night’s Lunar New Year’s Celebration. The celebration was a joint venture of the Vietnamese Students Associations of both UR and RIT and was held in Strong Auditorium. Also among the evening’s events were the Dragon Dance, a drag queen competition and a presentation by the RIT Jugglers.

Blindspots: Dick Cheney is still a war criminal

The Iraq war was a mistake, which killed almost a million people, and the people who zealously ginned the U.S. into that conflict should be made into pariahs, not platformed and commended by presidential contenders.

Dietary liberation

If you are a more food-safe person than myself, you may see the obvious issue with adding raw meat to a cooked dish. In theory, this should be fine, assuming you wait for the meat to cook through.

Mustafa’s “Dunya,” about life with all its flaws

When I first saw the new release of “Dunya,” I could already tell it would echo his love for his culture through his music.