When walking into the Common Ground Caf on Friday evenings, don’t expect the usual radio station or CD to be playing. Instead, talented and upcoming artists will be performing live.

This Friday at 8 p.m., Ben Arnold will be providing the entertainment. Arnold has been praised for his unusual combination of folksy energy with a more edgy tone to make his music a kind of folk rock that everyone can enjoy. His talented band complements his dynamic voice and includes guitarist and singer Jim Boggia, bassist Scott Bricklin and drummer Matty Muir.

Arnold is part of UR Concerts’ Coffeehouse Concert Series and with it, they hope to bring a little mix into the daily routine at UR. Even though this is a coffeehouse series, the type of music is not exclusive to just folk.

“We try and have a little bit of everything because this campus has very eclectic tastes in music, and we are here to put on shows that our university’s students will come to,” senior and co-coordinator of the series, Samantha Colayori, said.

“[The concerts] have succeeded in offering a diverse program, bringing in artists who play a wide range of music including Latin, Mediterranean, soul, jazz, blue grass, folk, pop and Celtic,” Melissia Schmidt, Assistant Director of Student Activities, said.

The executive committee of UR Concerts receives several CDs each week from potential performers and are always looking for new talent. In the spirit of giving the college community what they want, suggestions for artists to play are always welcome.

Whether you’re looking to relax before a night out or just in need of an entertaining study break, these concerts are sure to satisfy.

Edge can be reached at redge@campustimes.org.

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