Want to go to a pants-optional concert tonight?

The Mazel Tones will be presenting their concert “Hangin’ Around with the Mazel Tones” on Thursday, April 11 at 8 p.m. in the Schlegel Rotunda of the Simon Business School.

The Mazel Tones, a coed Jewish a cappella group in their second year on campus, will be performing in both English and Hebrew.

In addition, they will welcome special guests Off-Broadway On Campus and D’Motions.

In the past, the Mazel Tones have performed at many campus events, including D-Day, the Rochester Review and Shabbat 702 and 750.

The group is currently made up of eight members representing diverse interests and backgrounds.

Junior Laura Cowan, the business manager of the Mazel Tones,

said, “We are planning some special surprises for this concert. People should come prepared for an evening of great singing, good dancing, great guest stars, yummy refreshments, and wonderful a cappella!”

She added, “And you don’t have to be Jewish to come!”

Tickets are $3 and are available at the Common Market and at the door. Pants are optional. For more information, call Cowan at x43592.

Smith can be reached at ksmith@campustimes.org.

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