Make D-day open to all

This year it seems that nearly every varsity sports team on campus has a game or meet taking place at another school on Dandelion Day. I don’t know if this was planned on purpose, but I think it has been poorly planned nonetheless.

It is unfair for student athletes, who work so hard and bring so much to the campus community, to be kept from enjoying the single most fun, widely attended campus event that nearly every student and member of our campus community looks forward to.

Last year there were numerous teams with home games, and these were fun to attend during the day. There were many more fans than usual, and I think that both the athletes and the student body had more fun and exhibited more school spirit. The athletes were being fairly treated because after a game filled with more spectators and support than usual, they were able to enjoy the rest of the day with fellow classmates and attend many of the festivities.

Some teams may not have games on D-day, but may be competing the day after. For instance, last year I attended the Cornell Invitational track and field meet, and this year my team will attend it again. Although it is an opportunity to compete in season, it interferes with a once-a-year celebration, so we are forced to weigh our options. We need to monitor how many hours we spend running around in the sun, and what we consume, being forced to celebrate moderately so that our performances won’t suffer.

I suppose this is fair, but it is a bit disappointing when many of our friends who are not on sports teams are free to do whatever they want, and we can not join them entirely. I realize this is a choice that we need to make as athletes, one that we face constantly.

However, it really stinks that on our university’s biggest festival of the year, the student athletes, those who work so hard to bring pride to our school and are a source of our school’s recognition, are not allowed to celebrate as a reward for all they have done.

I am asking that the committee coordinating athletic events will rethink planning in future years for D-day weekend.

Justine DeutschClass of 2004 Member of Women’s Track and Field and Cross Country Teams

Gifts of faith

I am a Catholic priest and I read the article entitled “Proof of faith” in the March 21 CT about the scandals with regard to some clergy in the United States. I too deplore any heinous acts that may have taken place. I sympathize with victims.

But I think that these alleged acts on the part of some clergy should not be judged in the press but rather in the courts. That is the way justice must be served in this country, for clergy and for laity as well.

The faith I have is a supernatural gift of God, and this faith professes seven sacraments, one of which is Holy Orders. I do question the moral rectitude of some priests, especially those convicted of criminal acts. But that does not hinder my faith, which is based in scripture and tradition. And the priesthood is essential to this faith.

The Catholic faith cannot be changed. “Nihil innovetur nisi quod traditum est.” Surely you must have considered this axiom in your religious studies.

As happened after the Council of Trent, so must happen again, a reform of the discipline of seminary studies and the way priests live and teach, etc. The heart needs a change. That and only that is the way to true reform.

One more component in this whole awful business is the fact that many so-called Catholics have lost sight of the supernatural. When the priest becomes just one of the guys, he and those around him forget the supernatural element upon which the church bases all her beliefs. Then sacred buildings are gutted, faith becomes endless questioning, there is a lack of consolation in religion, and the priesthood itself is nothing more than one ministry among countless others. And who suffers most? Those who come to church to find some peace in their lives. Confusion is not a good for the soul ? spiritual stability is.

Father Ronald AntinarelliCommunity Member

Apology for offensive posters

With the closing of the polls yesterday came about the end of an election controversy. I feel it is necessary to close some of the rifts caused by this year’s elections.

I know that some of my running mates offended some members of student government unnecessarily. Any offensive advertising toward the Students’ Association Senate was merely satirical and was not intended to offend anyone. It was merely to garner attention.

I am sorry for any hurt I personally may have caused through my “Vote Early, Vote Often” poster. It was just meant to be a jest of the election problems that occurred in past elections and a reference to my hometown of Chicago.

Although some of my running mates and I may have portrayed that we did not approve of student government, that is a fallacy. Student government is a very worthwhile activity which is open to all.

The fact that people from outside of student government can still succeed within the system proves that it’s a well-organized and functional system. I feel that I have benefited merely through the process of running for a position. It’s a very educational process where you can learn a lot about our student government, something a lot of students don’t know about, in a very short time.

It is an activity that I highly encourage anyone who is interested to pursue in the future.

Ilana Kaplain-ShainClass of 2005

Students’ Association releases Fall 2024 election results

With new additions to the 2028 Class Council and Senate, UR’s Students Association has welcomed new members as a result of the Fall 2024 Elections.

Pesto is sus

This guy is twice as large as any of his siblings and even larger than his parents. He is anything but a little guy. His stature is … actually a little bit suspicious.

Pit introduces new coffee machine

Frequent visitors to Wilson Commons’ Pit might have noticed a new addition: a self-service coffee machine.