Two men impersonating ResNet consultants entered a locked second-floor room in Tiernan Hall without permission on Friday, Sept. 8. One of the room?s residents found them when she returned to the room around 3:30 p.m.
She asked the men why they were there. They told her they were ResNet consultants who had been called to work on her roommate?s computer.
The owner of the computer then came home and again inquired why the men were in her room, as she had already spoken with ResNet about the problem.
After the men left, the second student looked in her wallet, which she had left in her desk, and found that $20 in cash was missing.
When UR Security officers investigated, they found that there were no signs of forced entry into the room. One of the students said she saw the suspects entering the room with a key. Neither of the residents of the room had lost their keys and no master keys were reported missing.
The students described the men as both being white males, about 5 feet 10 inches tall and 180 pounds. One of them seemed to have been wearing a hearing aid and may have a speech impediment.
Senior Investigator Dan Lafferty asks that anyone who may have information about this incident call Security at x35200.
Students caught smoking marijuana
Officers responded to a report sof a suspicious odor coming from a fourth-floor suite in deKiewiet Tower at 4:15 p.m. on Monday, Sept. 4. The residents admitted that they had been smoking marijuana but reportedly told officers that they ?did not intend to disrupt anyone and were sorry,? said Lafferty.
The officers field-tested the substance and found it to indeed be marijuana. It was then turned over to the Rochester Police Department to be destroyed.
Men use exposed penises to harass
Security reported two different incidents of public lewdness that occurred last week. In the first, a man exposed himself to a female student at 2:30 p.m. on Saturday, Sept. 2. The student and a friend were parked in the drive around Hill Court, when the driver of a moving van asked her to move her car so he could get through.
The student moved her car, but the other driver then began verbally abusing her because he felt she had not moved far enough. He allegedly ran up to the driver?s side window of her car, unzipped his pants and exposed his penis to her.
She reported the incident to RPD, whose officers are still investigating although they are aware of the man?s identity.
In the second, a man exposed himself to two female students at 6:30 p.m. on Thursday, Sept. 6. The students were in-line skating past the Lyman Tennis Courts in Hill Court when they heard a rustling in the bushes nearby. As they approached the bushes, a man stepped out and exposed himself from the waist down.
AOL account info stolen
A student discovered that someone had gained illegal access to one of her America Online Instant Messenger on Thursday, Aug. 31.
She was talking to a friend through the AIM service when he told her he had just received a disturbing message from one of her other AIM accounts.
When she checked, she found that someone had indeed found out her screen name and password and was using the name to send ?bizarre messages? to her friends, Lafferty said. She reported the incident to ResNet and AOL.
Danforth sign stolen for 2nd time in 1 year
Several people stole the 18-by-12-foot wooden ?Danforth Dining Center? sign from a table in front of the dining center. The sign is valued at approximately $2,000. The sign was also stolen at the beginning of the fall 1999 semester. There does not seem to be a link between the two thefts, said Lafferty.
Drunk student goes to hospital
Officers found an intoxicated student in Hoeing Hall at 2:30 a.m. on Sunday, Sept. 10. The 19-year-old had consumed six shots of alcohol at a party on the Residential Quad. The Medical Emergency Response Team called the Rural/Metro Ambulance to take him to Strong Memorial Hospital for evaluation and treatment.