? The winter season has lasted longer than normal this year so most sports have not played a home game this spring. In the lead for the most postponed games is the lacrosse team with seven games.
? Junior Aaron Arfman stepped up to lead the men?s tennis team in last weekend?s effort against two tough opponents ? the College of New Jersey and Kenyon College. Arfman won his fifth-seeded singles match Friday against New Jersey with a score of 6-0, 6-4. He went on the win his match Sunday against Kenyon, 6-4, 6-0. He later paired up with junior Nithan Raikar in a third seeded doubles match, winning 8-5. Arfman was the only tennis player who won all his games played last weekend.
? Freshman John Semeniak and sophomores Scott Clyde and Mike Quijano each contributed 158 strokes to the golf team?s second-place finish in the Western Maryland Spring Invitational. The Yellowjackets wrapped up the tournament with a total of 633 strokes.