In an effort to attract more students, UR will implement a new initiative next year called ?You Can Get With This, Or You Can Get With That.?With more and more students unsatisfied with various areas of the university, the administrators and students who developed this new program want to give more choices to those on campus.If you think providing more choice on campus is a bad idea,See STORY AIf you think providing more choice on campus is a good idea,See STORY B
We must keep fighting, and we will
While those with power myopically fret about the volume of speech and the health of grass, so many instead turn their attention to lives of hundreds of thousands of human beings.
Is burnout inescapable?
Anyone who’s ever been a student knows that burnout rears its ugly head around the same time every semester, and yet, it’s never easy to prepare for.
Whatever happened to the dormitories of yesteryear?
Two images come to mind: One is of cinder block-walled rooms hidden behind brutalist edifices, and the other is of air-conditioned suites bathed in natural light.