My name is Patricia Heckmann and I am from Rochester, New York. My high school is about 15 minutes from this campus and I?m still very involved with the students of that school district. I?d like to become more involved with the students of this campus, by being a senator and representing my fellow students. I feel that I am qualified for such a position because of my experiences in high school. Throughout high school, I took on many leadership roles, such as being an active member of student government, class council and secretary of my class. I also held positions with other clubs and activities, such as being co-editor of the school newspaper and vice president of the hiking club. I?ve always had a knack for being an assertive leader. At this campus, there are a few issues that make me want to help my fellow students. I constantly hear complaints about issues such as the outrageous parking situation and the high cost of dining services. Although these are difficult problems to solve, I am not afraid to step forward and voice my opinion, in trying to amend these situations. I sincerely hope that I can have a chance to help my students by becoming an active member of the Senate. Thank You.

Zumba in medicine, the unexpected crossover

Each year at URMC, a new cohort of unsuspecting pediatrics residents get a crash course. “There are no mistakes in Zumba,” Gellin says.

Dinner for Peace was an unconventional way of protesting for Palestine

The dinner showcased aspects of Palestinian culture. It was a unique way of protesting against the genocide, against the Israeli occupation, against the university’s involvement with the genocide.

Israeli-Palestinian conflict reporting disclosures

The Campus Times is a club student newspaper with a small reporting staff at a small, private University. We are…