My name is Jack Collins, class of 2004, and I come from New Mexico as a Political Science and Economics major. I am running for a senate position at large for the 2001-2002 academic school year. These past two semesters as a freshman I was incredibly involved in many activities and I feel that I would serve our student body well as a senator. I am the President of the Towers Hall Council and a member of UR Varsity Track & Field, UR Club Volleyball, KASA (Korean-American Students Association), various Intramural teams, the Music Interest Floor, and have helped organize and perform in some “open-mic nights” around campus. I don?t think my activities alone make me a good candidate for our representative; rather it?s how I act and what I do on a daily basis that represents my true character. I am an individual who finds great joy while looking after other people and trying to help out as best I can. As a senator next year, I will address issues of communication amongst our student body. My overall goal is to help us students build upon the connections that we have now and establish a stronger community.

The DeLorme Report: Twenty-two

It's not only healthcare coverage that is an issue within the veteran community. Education, food assistance, job security, mental health counseling, and help integrating into civilian life are all vital in aiding our veterans.

Now is the time to stand for our students: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

While we understand that the University receives federal funding and has to follow federal regulations, the University has an immutable obligation to their diverse body of students to ensure their safety on campus.

“Captain America: Brave New World” isn’t the worst

In general, the film is a mixed bag. It isn’t quite a standout in the MCU, but it isn’t the worst, either.