Archives - Matthew Dawidowicz
Clinton conundrum: The right choice for VP?
Pundits are discussing the possibility of Hillary Clinton's vice presidential candidacy. But what effects would this choice actually have?
Political agenda reaches no middle ground
A student examines the lack of moderates within bipartisan political parties.
Democrats should require more litmus tests
A look at the mindset of Democrats and the Democratic Party.
The bully pulpit: Limits, trials and tribulations
People feel President Obama isn't doing enough on his own. Here's why that idea of the "bully pulpit" is nothing more than a fantasy.
Modest prediction: Dems can flip the House
[caption id="attachment_14406" align="alignleft" width="275" caption="Source:"][/caption] I’m going to make a very premature prediction. It could easily be wrong, but…
Fresh pork: why earmarks shouldn't be bashed
Earmarks are often bashed in American discourse, but they are necessary to the way American politics works for a number of reasons.
Political polarization might be a good thing
In 1950, the American Political Science Association’s Committee on Political Parties wrote a report called “Toward a More Responsible Two-Party…
The health care bill will not be 'replaced'
Last week, the House of Representatives passed a repeal of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA), getting the…
Palin vs. Obama
The GOP’s primary electorate has developed a tendency to nominate non-mainstream candidates, caring more about ideological purity than winning…