Former County Deputy Executive is acquitted

At the Monroe County Court, the former County Deputy Executive James Smith was acquitted of six misdemeanor counts of misconduct for allegedly trying to protect the workers of the Robutrad program from punishment yesterday.

After debating for almost 20 hours over two days, the jury finally released their verdict.
If Smith had been convicted for all six charges, he would have had a sentence that could have been as severe as an unconditional discharge to up to two years in jail.

Rochester receives grant
money for AIDS prevention

The State Health Department announced that two grants are to be given to the AIDS Care foundation in Rochester this week.

The $212,500 state grant is part of a larger $7.6 million grant, which is divided across the state to increase efforts to discover and get substance users into treatment. In addition, this grant is also used for HIV prevention care.

An additional $193,735, which is included in the $7.6 million statewide grant, is given specifically to Aids Care to help women, especially women of color, and young people so they can avoid other sexually transmitted infections.

The goal of this grant is to target 3,000 people per year, examine 240 for entry into substance abuse and/ or HIV treatment.

Lastly, this grant aims to triple the number of HIV rapid tests on the mobile unit to 600 people per year.

The NBA’s MVP candidates

Against the Cleveland Cavaliers, center Nikola Jokić posted 26 points, 18 rebounds, and 16 assists in 35 minutes. That same…

🔴 Live updates: Wallis Hall sit-ins

The Campus Times is live tracking the Wallis Hall sit-ins protest demanding the University of Rochester initiate academic divestment from Israel,…

Riseup with Riseman

“I decided to make one for fun — really poor quality — and I put it on my Instagram just to see how people would react," Riseman said.