The Religious Roundtable, which meets every Sunday at 8 p.m. in the Chapel Room at the Interfaith Chapel, is a place where students of different faiths have an opportunity to exchange thoughts and beliefs about their respective religions.

This past Sunday marked one of their most important events, the Celebration of Religious Diversity. Attracting over 75 people, it was a chance for representatives from different religions to showcase their faiths by putting on presentations about their religions.

The presentations ranged from musical performances to speeches, each lasting anywhere from five to seven minutes. The Catholic Newman Community sang a rendition of “Ave Maria” while the Pagan Student Committee spoke on their opinion of the definition of magic.

“This year was definitely a success,” intern Dev Master said. “Each year more and more people have come out to watch the event.” Master is one of two interns, along with Iram Nadroo, who runs the group.

The Roundtable was founded by Dean of Students Jody Asbury. The Sunday meetings are open to the public and topics in previous meetings have included religious holidays and the role of science in religion.

“The Religious Roundtable allows students to come together to engage in dialogue about different aspects of their traditions,” Father Brian Cool said. Cool pointed out that this can be very advantageous for under-represented faiths.

“The goal of the roundtable is to get different faiths together, to learn and to have a good time,” Master said.

Wrobel is a member of the class of 2010.

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