Cara Genbauffe

Courtesy of UR Athletics

Sophomore Cara Genbauffe is continuing her success from freshman year, which she ended with the second most singles victories on the  women’s tennis team.
Genbauffe played a phenomenal match against Ithaca College on Saturday, Feb. 23. At first singles, she beat her opponent 6-0 and 3-0, contributing to UR’s 7-2 crushing win.

What’s your major?
Psychology, brain and cognitive sciences, and economics.

Why did you choose UR?
I wanted to attend a school with good academics but with DIII tennis so that I could still compete and focus on schoolwork.

When did you start playing tennis?
I started playing tennis in 2006, when I was in seventh grade.

Why did you choose tennis?
I originally started playing because I liked hitting tennis balls against my garage wall. I kept playing because I like the strategy in both doubles and singles, and I love all the people I get to meet through the sport.

Do you have a mentor who has helped you get where you are?
One of our previous assistant coaches, Amanda Stone, really helped me with my mental game and gaining confidence in my abilities. I still use advice she has given me when I go into matches today.

What is the best advice a coach has given you?
Don’t worry about the score, just play your game. When I don’t focus on the score and instead focus on my strokes and strategies, I end up having much better results.

What has been your favorite tennis moment this season?
Winning the match against Ithaca. Even though our number-one singles player (and my regular doubles partner) Frances Tseng was sick, we still won the match 7-2, and everyone from UR who played won at least one of their matches.

What has been your favorite tennis moment at UR?
Definitely when our team won the match against Whittier in California last spring break. Their team, and even their coach, were being very rude and unsportsmanlike, but we managed to pull out the match 5-4. I can still remember how happy everyone was at the team dinner after the tough win.

What is the hardest part of tennis?
Definitely the mental game. Being out on the court alone, the outcome of every point is up to you, so it can be a lot of pressure. However, learning to deal with that pressure in a constructive way makes you not only a better tennis player, but a stronger person. I really look up to my teammate Rachel Suresky for her mental strength in matches.

What are your individual goals for the remainder of the season?
I just want to keep improving and working my hardest in every match.

What are your team goals?
I hope our team ends the spring season with a winning record.

What advice do you have for incoming players?
Playing hard in practice and putting in extra time really pays off. You’ll definitely notice it in the three-set matches.

      Kilbridge is a member of the class of 2015.

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